What is your plan today? Nothing? Summer will give you more holidays. Why don’t you use it to have fun? What about asking your kids to make toys? They love to play, don’t they? We can ask them to make cool stuff like tic-tac-toe, puzzles, or puppets. Don’t worry about the price! We could make DIY toys that are easy and affordable for everyone. We have collected DIY toys to make with you and your kids. Check out!

Modern DIY Cardboard Shape Puzzle



It will be fun to make this toy with your kids. What you need are cardboard and bottle caps. Cut the cardboard to create the puzzle. Customize the pattern you like. It can be a star, moon, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, or other shapes. You will have a fun time with your kids with it.

DIY Tic-Tac-Toe from Clay

Making a toy is fun. This DIY tic-tac-toe only asks you to work with clay. Prepare some clays in various colors. Create the bees using yellow and black clay. The board is nice with green clay. Then, shape the flowers with the pink or red clay you have. It seems like creating a spring garden in a term of toys.

DIY Animal Puppets

They are really cute, aren’t they? Playing with those animal puppets will make your toddlers smile. There is nothing better than that. Make those puppets by using paper. Search the pattern on the internet. Printable DIY animal puppets are easy to make. Even, a beginner can finish this project in less than an hour. So easy and affordable.

DIY Recycled Cardboard Marble Maze

Here is a classic toy that all kids will love. Making this DIY marble maze isn’t hard. Take cardboard. Then, attach the small lines from plastic straws. Add other things like beads or germ to have a more fun maze. 

DIY Paper Bag Fireman

Firemen will always be admiring. They are like heroes for all people. Ask your kids to make a DIY paper bag fireman with you. They will love the results, we are sure. The steps aren’t complicated. You cut out the papers. Then, your kids attach the element of fireman puppet craft one by one. 

DIY Super Cute Yarn Pom Pom Bunny

First, you have to make the two pom poms from yarn. Then, attach those to each other using thread. Then, add the ears. Make the ears from sheet felt. Finish it by adding the googly eyes. Easy, right? You can make it in minutes.


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