Almost all kids believe in fairies. We tell them about tooth fairies. We ask them to imagine fairies on the ground or in the jungle. Do they know about Thinker Bell or other fairy characters? They will love to bring more fairies at home. No matter do fairies really exist or not. They just feel them in real life. Let’s give them more fairies to accompany them in their imagination with crafts. See fairies theme crafts below and get more inspiration!
DIY Magic Fairy Ornaments
This rainbow magic fairy ornament will bring magic to your kid’s room. Let’s gather the materials first. You will need wooden teaspoons, construction paper in assorted colors, white card stock, felt, glue, gel pens, and watercolor paints. Start by searching for a fairy template from a book or the internet. Then, start crafting by seeing the instructions here.
DIY Milk Jug Fairy House
If your kids have several fairy dolls, it’s time to make the houses then. We can use empty milk jugs. Draw the windows and doors using markers. Then, cut them out. Decorate your new fairy houses by adding decals, stickers, or any other decorative elements you have.
DIY Craft Stick Fairy Craft for Kids
You will need craft sticks, colored tissue paper, rubber bands, markers, glue sticks, scissors, and star stickers in gold. Draw the leg and face on the craft stick. Now you can create the cloth using pink tissue paper. Tie it around the stick. Make it stable using rubber bands. Check out more instructions from here.
DIY Triangular Garden Fairies
Making a fairy theme craft with sticks and fabric will not take your time. It is super easy to do. Even you can finish it in minutes. The materials needed are sticks, glue, and lace. Start by shaping a triangular body fairy. Attach the fabric and lace. Draw the face. See the detailed tutorials and style them in your version.
Pom Pom Ballerina Fairies
What do you think of it? The fairies are cute. You can make them by hand with your kids. Prepare wooden beads, yarn, craft paint, ribbon, felt, a paintbrush, a permanent marker, and a hot glue gun. Begin by making the pom-pom skirt. Attach it to the cylinder type of wooden bead and continue to connect it with the circle wooden bead. Then, you will get a fairy. Draw the face and attach the wings. Check out more instructions here.