Characteristics of optimal growth and development of children can be seen from how active your child is playing. Through this activity, they can learn new things and also develop their creativity. Therefore, you need to support your child to actively play and also you have to spend time playing with them. In addition, there are many simple and fun toys that you can do with your kids. Then, one of them is educational toys that can be made by yourself.
You can turn used items at home into a cute DIY toy. However, it would be better if you could invite your child to participate in the making. Because it can make children become more creative. Then, you can use old used cardboard stoves, cardboard toys, coffee tables to the cardboard washer. Seeing your child play with something that is the result of his own creation, of course, very enjoyable.

Small cardboard toy boat

Cardboard vegetable shop

cardboard cooker

unique cardboard toy

cardboard washer

cardboard coffee table

a simple cardboard doghouse

cardboard toy train

patterned toy cat

planting place

colorful artificial toys

cute knitting doll

multi stair greenhouse

paper beetles

small plane of blue paper

car craft of blue cloth

unique craft from paper

simple ship from wood

cool blue wooden car

microwave from cardboard

luxury house made of cardboard

paper counting equipment

unique cardboard camera

cardboard train

cardboard house of cattle

colorful cardboard house

simple cardboard stove

cardboard bed

simple television for children’s toys

minimalist cardboard parking

colorful fruits

paper toys painted with pictures of animals

white wooden horse toy

a horse’s head made of cloth and given a ribbon

The unique robot from cardboard

cardboard house with cute pink decoration

cardboard pirate ship

doghouse made of rounded tubes

cardboard house with blue stripe motif

Cardboard house with beautiful motifs

cardboard toy car

a creative cardboard washing machine

cardboard space rocket

simple cardboard post box

colorful cardboard palace

cardboard house has floral designs and natural scenery

multilevel white cardboard washing machine

nice simple cardboard ship

simple cardboard city

unique cardboard army vehicles

unique cardboard handphone

multi-storey cardboard palace

a house made of cardboard

craft toys made from ice cream sticks

colorful DIY toys
Toys are not only a medium of entertainment, toys that are good for them are toys that can also be learning media. However, you can use used cardboard at home to make a playground for cars. Do not forget to also include traffic signs, so that your child can learn to understand them early. other than that, you can also use used cardboard to create houses for your little doll. That way he can play while sharpening his imagination to tell his favorite dolls.
You can take advantage of cardboard TV toys to train your confidence. It’s very easy, try to get used to him daring to appear early, make it look as if he is appearing in an event. However, play is an important activity for children as part of their growth process. Toys, tools used by your child to play, can be obtained by buying but with a little imagination and creativity, you can also make them from used objects.