If your friends or neighbors have a newborn baby, you will need to give them something as a gift. Here we show you impressive ideas of a baby gift but you can still make it at home. All the ideas are rounded up in Thoughtful DIY Baby Shower Gift Ideas You Can Do That Any Mother Would Love.

Amber Teething Necklace

Moms almost always find difficult and painful phases during a baby’s first year that is when their teeth come in. the babies are sleeping through the night and feeding regularly becomes screaming tykes due to the discomfort of teething. Therefore, when you give an amber teething necklace it will reduce the pain of teething and eliminate fever. To create this amber teething necklace, you will need Baltic amber beads, silk or nylon beading cord, and a plastic clasp.

Crochet Teething Toy

Crochet teething toy Thoughtful DIY Baby Shower Gift Ideas You Can Do That Any Mother Would Love


If you are handy enough with a crochet hook, just go with creating this pretty crochet teething toy.  Make sure that you have source natural, use the untreated wooden rings for the teether.

Nylon Baby’s Headband

This is probably the most wanted and cute gift for babies. Then, if you are looking for a versatile, stretchy, and also elastic headband, this DIY nylon headband is a perfect choice. The materials you need to create this are a pair of nylons in color, flower clips, needle and thread, ribbon, scissors, and hot glue.

Beanie or Hat

This craft could be one of the most useful gifts for newborns who can not control their body temperature yet. This stretchy baby hat is soft and the size can fit nearly all baby head sizes. These are some materials you have to prepare to create this hat, there are stretchy knit fabric, pattern piece, sewing machine, and iron with steam.

Baby Shoes

Obviously, babby will not be able to walk yet for some time but we can still give them shoes to keep their cute little toes warm and stylish.  There are many materials you need to prepare but it will give you a worthy result.

Fabric Blocks With Name

This fabric blocks with the name would be the most impressive gift ever. Since they can see their name on it while playing. The supplies you need to create this are a printable template, fabric, felt letter stickers, a sewing machine, ribbons, a jingle bell, a small plastic Easter egg filled with dried beans, stuffing, hand sewing needle, and thread. Even though the supplies there are many but the way you make it will be easier.

Picnic Play Mat

Picnic play mat Thoughtful DIY Baby Shower Gift Ideas You Can Do That Any Mother Would Love


This is another useful gift for babies. The supplies you need to create this are 8 fat quarters in an assortment of colors and patterns, 1-yard background fabric, 1-yard black lace setting, 2 yards yellow pleated trim, various scraps of fabric in different texture, black fabric paint, ribbons in various width and colors, rattle, and crinkle plastic.


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