You may have a calendar on your smartphone that can be reached anytime. You will easy to buy a calendar every year in a store as well. However, giving a personal touch to a calendar is a great decision. Because you need it to see how busy you are this week. Further, you have to check out your next plan. Creating your own calendar will help you to organize your schedule.

DIY Framed Calendar

Diy framed calendar


Paint chips calendar will help you organize your schedules by writing them down each day. See the eye-catching ombre look.

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Don’t be afraid to customize the size and shape as you wish. Even, you can change the color to look like a rainbow, sea, or more.

Cute Washi Tape Calendar

The one who loves color will adore this washi tape calendar. See the bright blue that will give a cheerful feeling in your room. Furthermore, you can write any message, schedule, or project in each card. So beautiful, isn’t it?

DIY Photo Calendar

What a nice craft is! You can display your photo from January to December. There might some special moments in your life that you won’t forget. Use the photo cards to display your lovely photos. Imagine that moment every day to boost your mood.

Cute Entryway Calendar

For some people, an entryway is a place that less priority. However, we can change it to look more interesting by adding a handmade calendar. See this idea that is not only changing the room’s decoration but looks like the focal interest where anyone will see what is their schedule today.

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Magnetic Calendar DIY

This calendar lets you change every single of it easily. Design the date by hand to remember when your birthday, first-day school, and any other important moment of your life. We love the color combination as well.

DIY Chalkboard Calendar

A versatile chalkboard also can be used for making a DOY calender. It is easy to create the table of your calendar. Write down the dates and your plans. Use color variations to keep it eye-catching. Let us see what your activity next week!

Beautiful Acrylic Calendar

Using acrylic as a handmade calender is nice. You are free to choose the color that will match your room decoration. Create the grid by using painter’s tape. Customize the size based on your desire.

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Get the acrylic board online to decide the size.

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