Spend your time together with your kids by making their favorite toys. It’s not that difficult and most importantly, all the materials are easy to find. Moreover, these DIY toys are safe for your children, so you don’t worry too much. And today, the toys will use cardboards, you can get them from cereal boxes or toilet rolls, or other cardboards that you have in the house. Not only is this cheap and easy, but you can also recycle the unused cardboards in your house.

1. Ninja Shuriken

3 Awesome DIY Toy Ideas With Cardboards That You Can Make With Fun


Look how cool a ninja is, who doesn’t want to be a ninja? Especially our kids, they love to be Ninja. Let’s help their dream to be a Ninja by making this Cardboard throwing shuriken. It’s very easy, all you need are cardboards, pennies, a stapler, clear tape, scissors, and pencil or sharpies. Draw the shuriken in cardboards, and make sure to make it round edges so it will not hurt anyone. Put the penny in the middle, and put another layer of cardboard. Use a stapler and draw your ninja.

2. Jewellery Box

3 Awesome DIY Toy Ideas With Cardboards That You Can Make With Fun


If your daughter has a lot of jewelry collections, then this is the best idea that you must create. Not only this is awesomely beautiful, but it’s also very easy and you can create it together with your daughters. All you need is 2 unused egg cartons, paint, craft glue, a mirror, scissors, and glitter. All you need to do is to get 1 egg carton cut it and make a flower, paint your carton inside out. Glued mirror inside the cardboard, and for the final step, glue all flowers and give glitter to make it look beautiful.

3. Dinosaurs

Raaaaahhhh!!!! Dinosaurs!!! All kids love dinosaurs, some of the kids try to become T-rex, others try to become pterodactyl. Anyway, let’s use your toilet roll and make the dinosaurs for the kids. all you need are cardboard, scissors, paintbrush and paint, a template for dinosaurs, and a permanent marker.

Those three toy awesome projects with fun will become the favorite creation for kids at your home.




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