When the time back to school will come soon, your kids may look so busy. They will ask you to help them creating teacher gifts. For a shake of politeness, parents have to give a simple gift to the teacher in advance because of all that the teacher will do all year long with the child. However, parents are busy enough with their work. In this article, we will show you super easy DIY gifts for the teacher.
Teacher Tote Bag
Personalize a tote bag with the teacher’s name will be a nice gift. This tote bag is easy to find the nearest store. Then, you only need to write down the name. Further, this project is simple and can be done in less than an hour.
Cute Apple Lip Balm
If the teacher is a woman, giving this cute apple lip balm might be a great idea. If you are a busy parent, just buy the lip balm from the store and attach it to a card. Write down the message by hand or you can print it out.
DIY Gift Boxes
You can do this project in the evening or after you come back from the office. The teacher will love it because of the color and shape. Feel free to install anything inside like candy, pens, key holders, or other small things.
Give Soda For Teacher
Everyone loves soda, so does your teacher. Give soda to the teacher will be a nice thing to do. Print out the label with your own words. Attach it to the soda bottles. Then, add a ribbon to beautify them.
Printable Teacher’s Gift
Let us make these super cool printable gifts for the teacher. Create the pintable for some purposes. In this picture, the creator attaches it in a paper bag, paper pouch, and gift box. This simple project will not need much time or money.
Personal Pencil Mug
This simple project will give you a special result. A mug with a personal name is so gorgeous. Add other accessories to spruce it up. Give this cute mug to the teacher will be a great idea. It shows how you appreciate the teacher so much.
Apple For Teacher
Take a paper mache apple and cut it in a half. Then, paint in red color or other colors as you like. This apple can be used for saving candies, pins, or keys. The shape is so cute as a real apple.