Whenever you buy something in the store, you will get many plastic bags to carry your goods. Yes, the plastic bags are ready to reuse other times. Do you know that those plastic bags are not just become bags somehow? You can turn them, especially the unused one, as other things that more useful. In this article, we will show you some crafts made of unused plastic bags. Let us see further!
Flower From Plastic Bag
Look at this cute orang flower made of a plastic bag. It is easy to create such flowers in other colors as you like. What you need to is only cut the plastic bag in a long shape. Then, roll it to look like a flower. Isn’t it easy?
Eye-Catching Baskets From Plastic Bags
Find some plastic bags that have similar patterns. Roll them in a long shape. Then arrange it into a basket form. Then, add a handrail on top of it. You can give this cute plastic basket for your mother to save candy.
Garbage Jellyfish Made of Plastic Bags
Imagine that there is a big jellyfish hang in your room. Yes, you can make it true by crafting a jellyfish using plastic bags. Feel free to choose the colors you like. In this picture, the creator uses a pure white plastic bag.
DIY Coasters From Plastic Bags
What do you think of these coasters? They are made of plastic bags with different patterns. Cut the plastic bags into round shapes. You will need some layers to make them ticker, mostly 5 or 6 layers for each coaster. Then, give a symbol or picture by using paint.
Crochet Fun Placemats
Neither easy nor hard, you can create this project if you can make crochets. Decide the patterns and find out your crochet tools. Just make sure that you do it carefully but the plastic bags are easy to break.
Wreath From Plastic Grocery Bags
It cost $0 to make this amazing wreath to welcome fall or any season this year. See the pattern that looks so professional. First of all, you need to bend a hanger into a circle shape. Then, cut the plastic bags into small rectangular pieces. Then, tie them on the hanger.
Plastic Bag Pendant Light
Can you imagine that excess plastic bags can be as great as this pendant light? Yes, it can. Find a metal circle and fill the empty spaces with cutting plastic bags. Make sure that you cut them into the same shape and size.