When you find yourself with an abundance of craft supplies, DIY projects, and Maker equipment that is just piled up all over the place creating clutter, it can be very frustrating. The following advice will help you tame your tools and supplies into an organized space that makes it easier to find the things you need.

Establish a Work Table

A solid work table will help keep items off your floor and give you the ability to create an organized space. You can also use it as storage for some of your supplies but make sure there’s room on top of it to work.

Use Display Shelves

If there’s wall space available near your work area, use it! Pinterest is filled with ideas for painted display shelves that give you plenty of storage space while keeping items easy to find at eye level. You can also use these as a second option for storing items that won’t fit underneath the workbench but they’ll still stay out of your floor space.

Rent A Storage Unit

If the space in your home just isn’t large enough to handle all of your items, then you should consider renting a storage unit for excess materials. Using self storage is an efficient way to store and organize your projects.  It’s best if you can get one that is climate controlled so your items don’t become damaged while they are stored.

Label Boxes or Bags With The Contents Inside Them

It’s best if everything is labelled so there wasn’t any confusion over what type of supplies are inside each box or bag. If you don’t want to do this yourself, consider having someone help you with it at least once so there’s no question about what goes where and why some things might be stored together.

Keep Boxes and Bags That Contain The Same Type of Items Together

Boxes and bags with similar items inside them should be kept in one location so it’s easier to find what you need when you’re ready to work on a project. You can stack boxes or bags that contain office supplies, crafting materials, tools, treated wood, household hardware, etc., into piles as long as they are separated by type of item within the box/bag. This will also create more space for random items that don’t have an obvious place to go yet.

Use Baskets For Small Supplies And Tools 

If you have a lot of small items that can fit into baskets, then this is a good option for storing them. This will help you keep things from being piled high on your work table which can create clutter and an unorganized workspace. If you don’t like the idea of keeping these types of items in baskets on your work table, consider putting the baskets away when the project you’re working on is completed or when they’ve been idle for long periods of time.

Purchase Hooks For Hanging Tools

Spending money on hooks to hang tools such as garden shears and screwdrivers will save space and provide easy accessibility to the things that are always used throughout each day. It’s if there’s one hook per tool then all you have to do is grab the one that you need. You can put small tools on keychains or tool lanyards for even easier accessibility.

The things listed in this article can be used to help you store and organize your tools and supplies. Some items may work better than others depending on the amount of space you have available within your home or garage while some tips might not apply if you’re short on time or energy. Just remember that it’s possible to do this regardless of how much stuff you have.

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