Do you wish to have a new rug this month? You can have it even if you only have a few budgets. Crafting is the idea to get a new item without spending much money including the DIY rug that you can make for your rug need this month. What about a yarn pom pom rug? It will look cool for your small space. Even, your pet will love it too. Just try to make it soon by following the steps below from Debbie and Mark. Let us check out!

Super easy diy yarn pom pom rug that affordable for anyone 1

Prepare the material to make a yarn pom pom rug like the picture. There should be yarn in a medium weight, scissors, rubber contact paper, and a chair. To create the rug, you have to make a lot of pom-poms.

Super easy diy yarn pom pom rug that affordable for anyone 2

Take a chair wrap it with yarn till 40 times. Don’t forget to tie off the ends of it. So, the yarn will not messy again. This step will ease you to create the pom poms later on that will be used to create a rug.

Super easy diy yarn pom pom rug that affordable for anyone 3

In the middle, tie it off to secure the hank. Then, you can tie in every tab. This proses will gain us to get some hank’s part. Though it is easy to do, you have to make sure that the tabs have the same size. So, we will have similar pom poms size as well.

Super easy diy yarn pom pom rug that affordable for anyone 4

Move the hanks from the chair to a table. Then, cut in between the tied of the section by using scissors. Do the same way with other hanks to gain more pom poms. You will able to see how the pom poms look directly after cutting the hank.

Super easy diy yarn pom pom rug that affordable for anyone 5

On the non-slip rug pad, you have to slip the tails from the middle of the pom-poms. Tie it on the bottom with a double knot to make sure that the pom poms are attached well. Repeat the way with other pom poms until done.

Super easy diy yarn pom pom rug that affordable for anyone 6

Then, give different colors to get a cheerful rug appearance. What do you think? This rug is pretty and your pet will love to sit and lay down here all day long.


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