Toys are always an essential part of the kids that we can’t separate. Toys make the kids happy and at the same time, they increase creativity and imagination which very important for the kids. And if you find the toys in the store quite boring or you may want to try a new thing, then these DIY toys are perfect for you.

1. Tic Tac Toe Clay

5 Cool and Amazing DIY Toys For Kids That Super Cheap And Easy To Create


Let’s try something new with clay. Usually, we make a doll, but today let’s make tic tac toe. What’s make this DIY idea more amazing is that you can customize the game with your favorite character.

2. Cardboard Puzzle

5 Cool and Amazing DIY Toys For Kids That Super Cheap And Easy To Create


Not only puzzle game is fun, but they also increase your children IQ level. And to make the game more interesting, you need to customize the puzzle with your children’s favorite shape or character. And all of these can be done with simple cardboard.

3. DIY Dinosaur

Who doesn’t love a dinosaur? Most of the kids, boys or girls have their own favorite Dinosaurs. And to make this toy safe for the kids, then you can make it with felt and customize it to make it look cuter and adorable.

4. DIY Stacker from Cardboard

This is my favorite toy, you can stack it and make any shape or building or super robot with it. Moreover, it’s so easy to make, you only need cardboard with scissors and you already have your own Stacker.

5. Farm Puppet

Make your own show and story with this DIY idea. All you have to do is print a farm animal and make a shape of the animal on the cardboard, cut it and paint it. After that, you need to glue a stick to the farm animal. The last is to create an interesting and funny story for the kids.



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