Bags for women are useful accessories. Sometimes, women choose elegant and expensive bags to show their high passion and as a way to look classy. Bags are available in some materials, shapes, colors, and prices. It surely depends on your need and budget.
Women usually put their makeup, handphone, wallet, keys, notes, and some other small accessories in the bag. That’s why the bag should be representative for a functional reasons. But, have you ever imagined making a DIY bag by yourself? Even, you can create the one as your need and desire. To go deeper in this discussion, scroll down the page and check out some examples of DIY bags below.

Colorful knit tote bag ideas from stylemotivation

Colorful knit sling bag from cheercrank

Round rattan bag with colorful pom-pom from diamondpaintingkits

Small denim bag

Big blue denim tote bag from agentsclean

Crochet tote bag color

Blue crochet bag from knittingway

Brown pattern knit bag

Brown crochet bag with flower pattern

Repurpose old denim for bag

Woven rattan bag idea from kidzarea

Colorful knit bag ideas

Dark brown crochet bag

Denim bag ideas from old denim pant

Gray and white bags from kidzarea

Rattan hand bag with flowers accent

Fabric bag with flower pattern from sewing.katabara

Red knit hand bag idea

Round colorful sling bag

Round white crochet bag

Knitted backpack

Small gray fabric bag from kidzarea

Small gray drawstring bag from

Square white knit bag

Patchwork tote bag from kidzarea

Beads bag with watermelon pattern

White and dark blue knit bag

White stripes fabric tote bag from bag.selbermachendeko

Blue crochet bag

Yellow knit bag from women-ideas
If you really want to make a bag by yourself, you need a creativity and little effort to make it true. Prepare the material that you want your bags made of, like cotton, rattan, leather, and many more. The first example of DIY bags is friendly for those who have an ability of knitting. Knitted tote bags, sling bags, and hand bags are good to make in colorful models. But, you can have one calm and neutral color like beige, black, white, or the color that you love the most. This DIY bags never fail you since their function is still the same. One thing you should remember that as long as you make it wholeheartedly and in detail, you can bring your to any events, both formal or casual.
To look more casual, you can have a denim bag. Don’t throw your old denim jeans. You can magically make a small bags from it. With a creative sewing process, you can recycle your old denim jeans into a stunning yet pretty DIY bag to hang out. Since denim jeans give casual look, you are also possible to make a denim tote bag which is easy handled and fabulous. The next idea is finding some fabric with pattern like stripes, polka dots, or floral to make a tote bag. Add designs of your initial name or quotes to make it more beautiful. Moreover, rattan can be your material in making a creative DIY bag. Woven rattan bags are made with the process of woving. A small woven rattan hand bag, then, becomes your best accessories to go for a summer day out with your friends. Making a DIY bags is the way to recycle old material and express your creativity to make the bag that you need and desire. Try it now on!