Board game is such a fun game that will be really impressive because of its lot of variations in type and kind. It is also really easy to be moved and brought anywhere so that you can have it for your family vacation or hang out moment with your friends. You can even decide on the difficulty level of the board game that you wanna have based on the players’ capability as it can be said as a very flexible game.

Another interesting thing about board games is that they can be made the DIY of it. You can choose what kind of board game you wanna have and then design it in the most impressive appearance based on your own version. We have collected 8 board game designs with different kinds of games that you can choose. Most of them are really easy, cheap, and simple in design to be made. The other one might be a little bit complicated in the design but it is still possible to be made because the materials are still really affordable and easy to find.

If you are bored with the digital game, try to make your own monopoly by using paper. You can print it at home and then tape or paste it on the old blank paper board. Make the theme and pictures that you want and print them on high-quality paper at your local office supply store. Find the dice at the nearest store and start playing with your child or your friends.

If you are looking for a cheap and unique personal gift for your family, simply make this family memories game. Choose the silly face pictures of your family members and print it then stick it in white card stock. Use more card stock to make a stack of your questions that contain of questions about birthday, anniversary, and even personal jokes.

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To exercise your creativity, this is a pleasant variation from Snakes and Ladders. This game is only cheap and really convenient to make. You just need to prepare white blank paper, blue paper to create steps of the game, white cotton to form stones shape, and small pieces of paper that are painted in colorful shades. Make an easy rule and start to play! When you reach the snow, stay step upstairs, in otherwise when you land on the step with black animal, go back down. Repeat until you reach the finish that has been set in the rule.

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You may can have dozens of board games, but your kids might will be bored. Since children love variety and colors, try to serve them with those two things. You can make board games in colors and added with other unique materials that your kids will love. Make it by using colored paper, pieces of colored plastic pipes, and bottle caps.

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Playing chess is really fun yet useful for your mind health. That is why we do really recommend this cute DIY chess board to teach your kids playing this game. Look for plywood boards, paint, ruler, and drink bottle caps as the materials. Draw and color the path, then you can start with bottle caps to create bugs shape.

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This is a great way to keep your children busy with different DIY blank paper, markers, embroidery and scribbles. Find the matching numbers or pictures on the cards that you are holding with the one on the board. Consider to choose a theme before you start scribbling and adding stickers. There are many themes in this game and don’t ever be confused to choose it.

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Make a classic teak board game that shows hidden space to hold letters in square. You have to arrange the letter to form words. This game is very safe and fun to play. It can even very useful to improve your knowledge and brain.

You don’t need to be super artistic to make fun DIY board games. You just need white paper, ruler, pencil color, and ice cream stick. Draw the square just like what you have in chess board without giving the color of it. It is really easy and inexpensive so that you can make it anytime and anywhere easily.

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For the easy board game, you can play it with your kids and have a fun quality time together. In case you are going to play it with your kids, make sure that you make it into the colorful designs so that it could be really impressive for them. Moreover, use their favorite figure to design the board game as the theme or the addition ornament so that your kids will be happier in playing the game.

To really know each other between all of the family member you can have the family memories game. It will only need your family member pictures and some questions that contain you family information. It will be really good to build your closeness each other. Play this game on your family gathering events such as on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holiday events.

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