Have you ever heard about decoupage? It is the way to improve an object that is done by cutting pictures and pasting those to it. After that, we need to coat it with a layer of decoupage medium or vanish. Decoupage is easy to do and give wonderful result. Even, it is almost anyone can do even at the first time. In this article, we show decoupage ideas to improve chairs that you have to see and get more inspiration. Check out!

DIY Fabric Covered Chair

Diy fabric covered chair


Choose any fabric pattern you love, but spring flowers are more interesting. In this picture, we see a cool upholstered chair with a beautiful pattern. The creators choose flower fabric and attach it to the chair surface by using mod podge. And, the result looks so gorgeous.

DIY Kids Decoupage Chair

Upgrade your kid’s chair by decorating its surface with book covers. First of all, you need to clean the cair. Feel free to repaint it or not. Then, apply mod podge and attach the book covers one by one till all surfaces are covered well. Coat with decoupage medium or varnish as you have.

Decoupaged Plastic Garden Chairs

Cut Ikea napkins and apply them to the plastic garden you have. You will get the result like this picture or it might little bit different. After that, coat it with varnish to keep it from outdoor elements or rain. So, the chair will be more durable.

Decoupage Marble Fabric Chairs

This DIY project might count several days but you will love the result. Take marble fabric and adhere it to the chair by using mod podge. Then, coat with decoupage medium or varnish or lacquer to settle it. The chair will appear more eye-catching and look brand new.

Vintage Chair Makeover

Do you love vintage chairs? If you have at least one of them, upgrading its look might be a great idea. It will only need several minutes to decoupage the upper part with beautiful flower patterned paper. Then, you will get a new chair look and keep the vintage feel as well. Pretty cool!

Artistic Wooden Chair

What about this artistic wooden chair? You might have at least one old wooden chair. Change its look by cutting artistic paper and pasting it to the chair you have. Then, coating with lacquer will keep its artistic feel longer. Are you ready to change your chair appearance by decoupaging?



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