If you spend your time outdoor so much lately, you will need a bottle to serve you water anywhere. Besides, when you bring your bottle then you need a bottle carrier. Therefore, here we have ideas of Chic DIY Water Bottle Totes And Slings For Your Daily Activities And Exercise.

DIY Water Bottle Carrier With A Grommet
If you are a teacher then you have a very hectic schedule during the day then you have to hold your water bottle. To make your bottle different from others, you are suggested to have a water bottle carrier with a grommet like this. This bottle carrier with a grommet is a little heavier and repeal water but looks inviting. The supplies you need are fabric, nylon for the inner lining, batting, coordinating thread, scissors, nylon webbing, bungee cord, grommets, grommet setter, and plastic toggle spring stop.
DIY Water Bottle Carrier With And Additional Pocket
This bottle carrier will offer you two functions. You will need outdoor fabric, medium weight fleece, medium weight canvas, embroidery machine, all-purpose thread to match fabrics, embroidery thread for optional monogram. Besides, you also need a ruler, pencil, seam gauge, seam ripper, scissors, iron, ironing board, and straight pins.
DIY Water Bottle Holder For Kids
This water bottle holder is very cool for your kids. This is made of two rectangles for the straps, fusible fleece for the strap, two rectangle pieces that are the circumference of the water bottle, two circles that are the same as the bottom of the water bottle plus seam allowance, and interfacing for the circle pieces.
DIY Water Bottle Tote
This idea is an affordable and environmentally-friendly choice. This DIY water bottle tote is made of a sewing machine with zigzag capability, scissors, ruler, tape measure, sewing machine, glass water bottle of any size, canvas drop cloth, and thread.
DIY Colorful Water Bottle Sling For Festival
This is an idea of a DIY no-sew water tote that is not only for festival season but for every day (hiking or creative spring date). The materials you need to create this project are fabric, a ruler, and a pencil. Meanwhile, the tools are scissors, iron, hem tape, regular strength, eyelets with setter kit, hammer, and suede lace.