The cardholder below will please you to have a tidy and creative place to put your business cardholder. You can make it with DIY projects. All ideas are collected in Unrivaled Business Card Holder Ideas You Can Create On Weekend.

Lego Business Card Holder

Do you remember the childhood game of Lego that we always scrambled for, in the neighborhood? Well, nowadays, it has taken a different turn and shape. As good as it sounds, it can be turned into something useful to make so many more things like this business card. You will only need to construct from Lego as the shape on the picture and put it on your working desk.

Wooden Business Card Holder

Unrivaled Business Card Holder Ideas You Can Create On Weekend


The wooden business card holder is easy and very workable. The materials you need are thick wood and wood putty. After that, the tools are a miter saw, sandpaper, tape measure, T or L-square, and pencil.

Desk Planter Card Holder

This cardholder is attractive and has a great sense of appeal. So, when next you need to get a business card holder, well, this should be your resolve. The materials and tools you need are pencils, miter saw, nail gun, finishing nails, clamps, wood glue, wood stain, orbital sander, sandpaper, painter’s tape, spar urethane, succulent, and soil.

DIY Cassette Tape Business Card Holder

With this idea, you can turn your old cassettes into a cardholder. The good part of it is that you do not need to cut nor adjust the size. It is a perfect fit for all needs. The first step is to choose a cool tape. Second, unscrew the case and remove the innards. Third, tape hinge. Last, check the fit to make sure everything is proper.  Then, make sure the case does not spread open from the tape hinge when it is closed.

Clay Business Card Holder

For this project, try to heat the clay well enough but not too dry so it begins to break really easily. After that, you can paint it as well as you want it to be easy with polymer-safe paint. The complete supplies you need are polymer clay, polymer-safe paint. Meanwhile, the tools you will need are a rolling pin, square dowels, parchment paper, sharp blade, paintbrush, baking sheet, and oven.



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