Since winter bring out the cold weather, then to have the warm clothing is a must. Here, one of the warm clothing that you can have is sweater. It can be your choice because sweater is really flexible and in varied. It means that you can choose from the chic sweater style to the casual one. Moreover, you can even use it as the substitute for your t-shirt in winter. It has the proper material to keep you warm and really possible to add with any layer clothing.
Again, due to the fashion needs that you want, you can make the DIY project to beautify your sweater. In this case, you can add it with some accessories like beads, pom pom, ribbon, or the others. Even more, if you have the ability in sewing, you can sew your sweaters to form the words or possible patterns. The following references are the gorgeous one that you can adapt for your DIY sweater project. Go check these out!
Floral Embroidery
You can embroider a floral pattern onto the shoulder of your sweater. For a design that stands out more, you can use color variations to create floral patterns. Since the flower design is so simple, it is very precious too. DIY Floral Embroidery Sweater from @nafiinu.
Word Forming Design
Brocade Ornamentation
To create an elegant and beautiful sweater look, you can add brocade. Apply white brocade to the sleeves of your sweater and it will look prettier. Brocade Sweater from @actuallyallidiy.
Pom Pom Ornamentation
Here, you can add pom poms to your old sweater anywhere. Use green pom poms to make it look brighter but not too much. Just like we have here, simply apply pom poms to the front of the sweater. DIY Sweater with Pom Pom from @anniliina.s.
Black Pom Pom

Look at this one white sweater, isn’t it interesting? This white sweater and black pom poms are very effective for creating a casual and trendy look. In addition, it also provides a perfect monochromatic appearance. Black Pom Pom Sweater from @tricianibarger.
Pink Pom Pom
Ribbon Ornamentation

This one is a very chic sweater design where the ribbon is key. Moreover, the choice of gray sweater color combined with a white ribbon managed to display a beautiful appearance. White Ribbon Accent from @butikovo.
Tassel Ornamentation
Back Bow Ornamentation
Sock Ornamentation

This is a unique and anti-mainstream sweater decoration. The use of socks can really represent winter because this material is commonly used in winter. To make it look more attractive, you can add it to the front of the sweater. Sock Sweater Accent from @plush.kkaa.
To make your own sweater design, you can see that the materials you’ll need are really easy to find and affordable. It won’t need something too much as you can even find it in your home without purchasing any stuff. In hence, in choosing the design, don’t forget that you should adjust it based on your skill. It is important so that it won’t give you troublesome during the process of making the project.
At last, as you have checked our references, you will notice some different easy sweater designs. Here, you can choose the design by adjusting the style that you want to achieve. It covers from the chic style, boho, or even casual. Moreover, it will be great if you can adjust the design based on your character. It is amazing how you can design and manage your own clothing and express your imagination for your own style.