Springs are about flowers, blooms, and leaves anywhere. Update your garden look is not a hard thing to do. You can pain your flower pot. This project will not take a ton of money. You only need to buy the paints in any color. Then, paint them with creativity to improve those flower pots’ look. In this article, we give your easy panted flower pots to inspire you. Check out further below!

Pineapple Inspired Pot

Pineapple inspired pot


It is so easy to pain the pot like this picture. Find out yellow paint and apply it to your pot. Then, add some black dots. Then, you see a pineapple-inspired pot in your hand. Just plant any herbs, flowers, or petite trees.

Insect-Inspired Flowers Pots

What insect do you like most? In this picture, the creator paints the flower pots in terms of bees and ladybugs. They look so cute, don’t they? Put these pots in your garden and see how they become the focal interest of your garden.

Watermelon Flowers Pots

Mini terra cotta pots will look more beautiful after you paint them. The picture shows terra cotta pots that painted well in pink and green. The black dots remind us of watermelon. Yup… this is watermelon terra cotta pots for your flowers.

Marble Flowers Pots

Hanging flower pots also look awesome after you paint them. Choose a marble pattern to add more interesting parts. These pots are pretty with marble patterns at the bottom. The creator applies different colors for each of them.

Rustic Feel Flowers Pots

Paint your terra cotta pots in white will be so much amazing. It gives rustic feel into your room decoration. Let the pots bring your room to look simpler but enchanting. See the picture of how cool rustic pots are.

Rainbow Flowers Pots

Ombre colors are awesome to be applied in the flower pots. This picture shows a rainbow look of the pot that is interesting. Put them in a white table. Then, see how these pots will become the focal interest because of the colors. Aren’t they look so eye-catching?

Artistic Flowers Pots

Paint the pots with any pictures you can. It can be ladybug, flower, grass, or even just a fly. The pots look more artistic with those drawings. See how these mini-gardens will improve your room decor. Feel free to put them inside or outside.

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