A well-maintained lawn adds to the property’s value and curb appeal. But did you know it has some other benefits? When you take good care of your yard, it helps keep intruders away (including animals). It also makes your home look like a paradise and encourages you and your family to spend more time outdoors. The space could also be used for weekend parties and get-togethers, allowing you to socialize more.
However, maintaining a garden requires sufficient time, skills, and equipment. If you lack any of these things, lawn care can turn into a hassle. Luckily, below are seven quick and easy tips that can help make your lawn stand out from the rest. Continue reading to discover!
1. Hire a professional landscaper
A professional landscaper will have all the tools and knowledge needed to turn your lawn into something spectacular. You can find a service provider in your area by searching for ‘pro lawn care near me’ on the internet. They are skilled and have the proper knowledge about what types of plants need to be planted in different areas of your lawn and how often they should be watered and fertilized. A good landscaper will also know when it’s time for weed control or when it’s best to aerate or core your soil so it can absorb nutrients better.
2. Aerate your lawn properly
Aeration helps to restore oxygen to the soil and improves drainage. You can aerate by hammering metal tines into the soil or using a machine that has hollow tines that remove plugs of soil. Either way, this process should be done early in spring or late in fall, when the ground is moist but not wet.
3. Improve the soil with testing
One of the most important things you can do for your lawn improves the quality of the soil. This is especially true if you live in an area with rocky or sandy soil. You can do this by testing your soil and then adding nutrients as needed. This can be done on your own by sending off samples to your local university or agricultural extension service, which will tell you what nutrients are lacking in your soil and how much to add so that it’s balanced properly.
4. Mow regularly
Maintaining a healthy lawn means mowing it on a regular basis. Most people mow their lawns once per week during the summer and twice per week during the spring and fall months. The height of your grass should be about two inches for optimum health, but you may want to cut it shorter if you have dogs or children who play in the yard often and can easily damage the grass with their bare feet or paws. Maintain healthy soil by removing clippings from the lawn after each mowing session using a leaf blower or rake.
5. Overseed your lawn
Overseeding is one of the easiest ways to improve the health of your lawn without spending a lot of money or effort on fertilizing or watering. You simply scatter seeds over areas that need some extra attention (usually bare spots or patches) and then cover them up with mulch or soil, so the seeds don’t blow away before they germinate. The new grass will come up, providing a thick green blanket where there was once nothing but bare dirt or dead grass blades.
6. Remove weeds regularly
Weed seeds can lie dormant on your lawn all winter long. Once spring arrives, they will start to germinate and grow, turning your beautiful green grass into a patchy mess. The best way to prevent this is by removing weeds regularly. Use a good quality weed killer that is safe for your grass and only apply it when necessary – not just once or twice during the summer, but every few weeks throughout the year.
7. Water your lawn correctly
Watering your lawn correctly will ensure that it stays healthy and green all year round. You should water it whenever there is no rain forecast for at least two days in a row. A good rule of thumb is to water only when you see about 50% of the surface area dry out (not wilting). This may sound like too much water, but if you don’t do this, your soil will become compacted, and plants will struggle to grow properly.
To Sum It All Up
If you’re struggling to keep your yard vibrant, there are several steps you can try to create perfect conditions for both you and your grass. If you start with a solid foundation, maintaining your yard should be easy going forward.