It is possible to incorporate things into places that aren’t exactly conducive when growing terrarium; lackluster, dry, less-lighting work space or moisture-deficient living space. Because terrariums have a clean, sparkling demeanor and they’re more about bringing nature indoors and less about filling far-out fishbowl. They also serve as a segue between outdoor and indoor. Here are some tips.

Find a suitable receptacle by start accessing your attic and digging out that canning jar, stray vase, candy dish or even cookie jar. The next one is select the appropriate plants that are compact, humidity-loving and low-light compatible. Try to avoid any cactus, succulents, most of the herbs and anything that prefers bright light and low humidity. And now let’s see these 35 amazing ways to plant terrarium below.

Knitted Terrarium Hanger from diyjoy

DIY Glass Terrarium Vase from trucsetbricolages

Terrarium with Succulent Plants

Large Air Plant Terrarium from meowlogy

DIY Teapot Terrarium from sawhd

Bottled Water Terrarium from archzine

Hangging Indoor Terrarium from  gardenmagz

Lantern with Plant Inside Terrarium from homishome

Artificial Aquarium Plant

String Pearls Terrarium from idntimes

Moss on Terrarium from voobsheogon

Green Plants and Wine Cork from whatsurhomestory

Figure in Mason Jar Terrarium from offbeathome

Geometric Terrarium

Indoor Garden from googodecor

Terrarium Vasses with moss

Light Bulb Terrarium from bolshoyvopros

DIY Terrarium Lightbulb from diys

Vintage Terrarium from homishome

Gold Lantern Terrarium

Hanging Masson Jar Terrarium

Grass in Jar Terrarium from thefernandmossery

Hanging Terrarium

DIY Masson Jar Terrarium

Succulents in Glass Cups from kknews

DIY Succulent Terrarium

DIY Terrarium with Moss and Succulent

Terrarium Sculpture and Moss fom thisiscolossal

DIY Picture Frames Terrarium from diycraftsy

DIY Glass Terrarium

Glass Color Terrarium

DIY Terrarium with Glass Bottles from mydesiredhome

 Tea Cup Terrarium from buzzfeed

Cactus Terrarium from buzzfeed

Fish Bowls Terrarium from buzzfeed


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