Look around your home! Is it cluttered and messy? Oh, it is a big problem for you. It will be worse when invited guests or impromptu guests come to your home. Your home condition will be such a great topic being gossiped about. So, what will you do? Well. You need shelves to free your home from clutter. In this article, we have collected DIY wooden shelves to bring much rustic and traditional flair to your home decor. Check out further below and get inspiration.

Rustic Wood Pallets Bookshelves

Rustic wood pallets bookshelves


This innovative bookshelf will never go out of date. It uses wood pallets that bring a rustic tone to any home style. With this bookshelf, your room will be more stylish. It is storage-friendly. So, you are free to display books, magazines, or other home accents.

Wooden Pallet Shelves for Kitchen

Do you want to upgrade your kitchen design? What about adding wooden pallet shelves? No worry. Those will be mounted on the wall. So, you don’t need to attain extra space. Hang on knives, glasses, and dishes creatively on the wooden shelves you make. The shelves are simple but functional. No matter the season changes, your kitchen will be stylish all year long.

Wooden Pallet Shelf for Laundry Room

To keep all laundry stuff organized, you only need a pallet laundry shelf. You can add more storage underneath to keep the clothes. So, finding clothes will not be hard anymore. Building this DIY wooden pallet shelf is not hard. Just simple woodworking skills and cheap materials.

DIY Coat Rack with Shelf for Entry Room

Instead of buying a new shelf, why don’t you make it? This DIY coat rack will complete your entry room to look more organized. Hang your coats on the hooks. Then, you can save your keys on the wooden shelf. What do you think? It looks simple and will not need more space.

DIY  Threaded Rod Pallet Shelves

Are you dare to make this? DIY threaded rod pallet shelves are what you need to save more things higher. If you don’t have a large space, high shelves might be what you need. Well, it needs better woodworking skills, more workshop tools, and more craft supplies.

DIY Pallet Tools Shelf

Store your tools on this shelf and make your backyard area more organized. The picture shows that a clean shelf looks better than a messy cupboard. You can make this alone as long as you have the craft supplies and tools.


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