Every house should have an herb garden. Herb garden is easy to maintain and nothing better than picking your own fresh herbs for cooking. You can make a garden even you only have a small space, because her garden can also brighten up your home. So let’s get started and build your own herb garden.

If you have small space, make a herb garden from mason jar; put some stone in the bottom of the jar so that the water sits there and not in the soil. Be creative and use the plastic bottle to make a vertical herb garden. If you have an outdoor space but it’s not too big, consider to make a DIY ladder-style herb garden. Now take a look at these 32 gorgeous DIY ladder-style herb gardens below.

Standing DIY Ladder Herb Garden

DIY Bamboo Ladder Herb

Vintage Style Ladder Herb from dekormyhome

Corner Reclaimed Wood Ladder from decoredo

Hanging Reclaimed Wood Ladder from trucsetbricolages

Teak Wood Ladder Herb from home.spartandecor

DIY Standing Wooden Ladder Herb from stevebrownapts

Pallet Wood Ladder Herb from ambulantecalifornia

DIY Corner Reclaimed Wood Ladder

Vintage Wood Two Ladder from architecturesideas

Outdoor DIY Wood Ladder from craftsonfire

Modern Style Ladder Herb from lovahomy

White Paint Ladder Herb Garden from nastroy

DIY Branch Ladder Herb

Reclaimed Wood Ladder

Hanging Wood Ladder with Chain from freshpatio

Repolishing Wood Ladder Herb

Standing Fall Reclaimed Wood Ladder from novocom

DIY Branch Ladder for Hanging Herb from novocom

Folding Wooden Ladder Herb from farmfoodfamily

Vintage White Ladder Herb from stranadetstva

Folding Ladder Herb Garden from organizedclutter

Modern New Paint Wood Ladder Herb from gardeningsoul

DIY Wooden Ladder Box Herb from homebnc

Tiered Wood Ladder Planter from balconygardenweb

Vertical Ladder Herb from balconygardenweb

DIY Wooden Ladder Planter from balconygardenweb

Blue Paint Ladder Herb Garden from balconygardenweb

Recycle Drawer Ladder Herb from balconygardenweb

Natural Teak Wood Ladder Herb from balconygardenweb

Bold Color Ladder Herb from balconygardenweb

Ladder Planter Ideas from balconygardenweb

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