If you are hoping to create some simple, cost effective décor for your space or just want to have some fun with simple craft, rock painting is an awesome option for you. This project is simple and easy to do. All you need is surface paint, some paint brushes and a rock that you like to look at. And the most important one is a little inspiration.
Try to paint some stripes, dots or spirals for you who lack of drawing skills. Another idea that is also good is paint a bird such as owl; paint each little bird with different color for the feathers and different features and patterns. Make a bright, shiny heart rocks or intricate a Bohemian heart rocks that still catches the eye but in a classier or more muted way. See more 17 painted rock stone for perfect garden ornament below to inspire you.
Animal Painted Rock

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Bird Painted on Stone
Cactus Garden

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Christmas Santa Claus Hand Painted Rock

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Hero Painted Rocks

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Ladybug Painted Rocks

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Landscapes on the Rocks
Painted Christmas Reindeer Rock

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Painted Monster Rocks

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Painted Rock Cactus

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Painted Rock Ghosts Craft

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Painted Tweety Bird Stone

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Spiderman Portrait Hand painted on Stone

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Stone Footprints

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Stones like Sport Shoes

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Strawberry Rocks

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Weeping Willow Tree Stone

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