Spring is here and the bird starts chirping. Pretty birds with feathers of brilliant colors are always a sight to behold. You can make friends with these unrestrained children of nature. And the best way to extend a hand of friendship is by food. By building a DIY bird feeder, you’ll attract more of these winged beauties to your garden.
Aside from the obvious benefit of feeding birds, bird feeders give us the pleasure of being in our feathered friends’ company. These garden must-haves offer a zen-like quality to homes as well a wonderful aesthetic appeal to any yard.
Cookie Cutter
You can create birdfeeders in all shapes and sizes when you mold them. If you have cookie cutters, you can mix gelatin and water to create a base and then add birdseed and mold it in the cookie cutters. Once the mold sets, you can hang these little feeders anywhere with string.
Acorn Feeder
Modern and Scandi chic all in one, this acorn feeder is the style-savvy addition your patio is crying out for. The bowl acts as the top of the acorn, and the mold id fit into the bowl. You can put the jute rope through both the bowl and the mold, and then turn it upside down.
Hanging Bowl
This design uses upcycled take-away plastic bowls to make bird feeders. You can use plastic bowls of different colors, attach them with straws, and hang them in the garden.
There’s a bowl each for bird seed and water. So the birds can hydrate themselves easily.
Pine Cone Bird Feeders
Pinecones really are the crafty supplies from nature’s very own DIY store and they naturally attract birds due to their strong and fresh scent. You can use them to attract hungry birds to your garden. Coat them up with peanut butter and stick the bird seed on it, et voila, it’s ready to be hanged in your windows or garden.
Wine Bottle
Have an empty wine bottle at home? Turn it into a bird feeder! This wine bottle is suspended upside down from a frame, and it looks like the bird seed is pouring out of the bottle. You’ll need to build a simple wooden frame to hold the bottle in place. Then filling up the bottle with the grains and turning it upside down, will do the job for you.
Tea Cup Candle Scone
All of the supplies you need for this feeder can be found at the dollar store. So next time you’re at the thrift store, pick up an old candle sconce, tea cup and saucer to create a cute little bird feeder.
Mason Jar
Using a mason jar and a leather strap, and you can make this easy bird feeder. Add an S-hook to make it easier for you to hang the bird feeder on tree limbs.
Citrus Cup
These orange-rind ornaments are beyond simple: Scoop the fruit, punch holes for twine, and fill with seed. Then hang and wait for the flock.
Tea Cup
Get your Alice-in-Wonderland on with this fun feeder. You can use any cup and saucer for this project. These teacup bird feeders aslo would make great gifts for the nature lover. It’s been fun watching the birds eat from it and you can call it their “tea time”.
Plastic Bottle
There are so many ways you can use a plastic bottle to make a bird feeder. This bird feeder, uses the plastic bottles and adds a different twist to it. They made it look like a small cottage! The bottle is painted with earthy colors. And it has a roof thatched with leaves too.