When planning restaurant furniture, you may think about whether to choose a restaurant table and chair or restaurant booths. Restaurant booths are an ideal combination of style and comfort. Whether your restaurant is a pizzeria or a family restaurant, a casual restaurant, or a coffee shop, the restaurant booths offer comfortable seating arrangements. Most importantly, after Covid-19, the restaurant booth offers private seating in a physically secluded space. Read on to find out why booths can be attractive in your restaurant and how you can plan your dining area with restaurant booths.
Why do customers prefer to sit in restaurant booths?
- Restaurant booths give them more privacy.
- They look more elegant.
- More comfortable than traditional seating tables.
- Restaurant booths restrict the movement of customers and other servers around them and cause them minimal inconvenience.
- Help children to sit comfortably in a family-friendly setting.
How do you plan space with restaurant booths?
The arrangement of the restaurant booth in your dining area depends on its floor plan. However, you can use the following tips to add more booths in your restaurant:
- Organize restaurant booths in groups.
- Place them on the wall to take advantage of the corners.
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- Use a bench to divide the dining area into smaller sections.
Restaurant booths increase physical distance:
After Covid-19, as a restaurant owner, you have to adhere to social distance standards. Since restaurant booths provide physical isolation, you can arrange them to increase the restaurant’s seating capacity.
By using restaurant booths, you can provide significant value to the comfort of your guests. This idea offers a private and comfortable space for your guests and helps optimize the dining space. Moreover, there is no need to leave large gaps between restaurant booths for the movement of your server. Suffice it to say that restaurant booths are space-saving, efficient, comfortable, elegant, easy to maintain, and provide great seating options for your guests. Moreover, its availability in various styles, designs, dimensions, colors, materials, etc.
, allows you to combine it with other design elements regardless of the atmosphere in your restaurant.
You can use the above points to find the perfect restaurant booth that matches your restaurant design and create an attractive theme and healthy dining experience.
How to arrange your restaurant to include more restaurant booths?
As more and more restaurant operators explore the importance of restaurant booths, many invest in these seating options. The number of restaurant booths that can fit in your facility will depend on your floor plan. Some of the ways you can add more booths to your restaurant include:
- Lining them along the perimeter of the wall.
- Organize them into consecutive groups.
- Use this booth to break up an open dining area.
The above details explain the specific reasons why many prefer restaurant booths. Restaurant operators may want to consider this information when deciding whether adding a booth to their existing seating is a good business decision.
Adding a restaurant booth to your property floor plan can be a simple change that will attract more customers.