Kids love playing. They want to play anywhere and anytime. Buying toys will cost you much. What about making DIY toys for them? Boys and girls love playing car. Make a car for them. Well. It is not a real car, just a cardboard car to play. So, don’t throw away any cardboard boxes in your home. We can turn it into something. Check out our list below! You will see DIY cardboard car ideas that kids will love. Here they are;

DIY Cardboard Car in Pink

Diy cardboar car in pink


It is fun. Making a DIY cardboard car will make you happy. Furthermore, your little girl will love it. Get a cardboard box, an X-acto knife, a ruler, a cutting mat, tape, paint, a hot glue gun, ribbon, paper, glitter, and stickers. Search the car shape template, or draw it by hand based on your imagination. See the detailed instructions from A Beautiful Mess

DIY Cardboard Car Costume

Start by drawing the silhouettes of the car shape you want. Cut them out. Attach them to the cardboard box. Make sure to secure flaps inside the box. Then, create a hood and trunk. Continue to make a spoiler with another piece of rectangular cardboard. Paint the cardboard car in red. Check out more tutorials on Ehow.

Cardboard Car Cat House Tutorial

Well. This car is not for your kids, but he will love it. Seeing his cute kitty sleep on the cardboard car cat house is fun. If your kid has a cat, he will adore this cat house too. You will need a large cardboard box, masking tape, a ruler, and a box cutter. Don’t forget scrap cardboard, scissors, non-toxic craft paint, a paintbrush, and a hot glue gun. See the tutorials here

DIY Cardboard McQueen Animated Pixar Film Car

What do you think about this car? It looks so cute, huh? You can make this car within minutes. Get the materials soon. You will need a hot glue gun, acrylic paints, utility knives, cutters, a hot melt glue gun, a steel ruler, a cutting mat, and cardboard. Start this project soon, and ask your kid to make it with you.

Simple Cardboard Car DIY

It is a simple craft that you can make within an hour. Look at the wheels that are made of paper plates. While the steering column is a paper towel roll. You can glue it to a paper plate to make a steering wheel. Add headlights from some plastic cups. Feel free to customize it by coloring. Check out the detailed process here


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