Purchasing a bottle opener is quite affordable, but you will see the fact that you will feel a whole lot better and satisfied knowing that you made the DIY bottle opener yourself. So, besides having the DIY bottle projects, you can also have the DIY bottle opener.

Super Quick Build Bottle Opener

Super quick build bottle opener DIY Bottle Opener Ideas You Can Create Yourself At Home


You may try this first for the bottle opener project because it is easy to construct. So, the supplies you need are 1” x 6” board, miter saw, wood glue, brad nailer, 1/4” finish nails, copper sheet, tin snips, metal corner rounder, and drill. Start by measuring and cutting out the wood. Next, attach the back piece and bottom to the sides.

Last, just fit in the hardware bottle opener.

DIY Modern Bottle Opener

Diy modern bottle opener DIY Bottle Opener Ideas You Can Create Yourself At Home


This bottle opener is installed right next to the trash can, which makes it easy to toss your bottle cap away after using the opener. The materials are pixel glass, bottle openers, electric drill, drill bit, craft paint, brush, electrical tape, and two transparent sheets.

Just place the opener at the center of the sheet and secure where the holes will be drilled. Then, paint the glass, and attach the opener.

DIY Magnetic Bottle Opener

For this magnetic bottle opener, there are caps that can be attached to the wood using a magnet. To make this, the materials needed are wood, magnets, a wall-mounted bottle opener, and liquid nails. After that, you can cut oak to length and miter corners. Next, route the edges. Then, drill the holes for magnets on the wood and add the opener. Last, mount it successfully. You will also need hearing protection as a safety essential.

DIY Wooden Bottle Opener

Wood is popular in DIY projects. So, why not create a bottle opener from wood like in the picture? It is a great idea, isn’t it? Do not worry about it falling off because it secures there. Besides, it has a small cup below where the caps fall so it does not litter around. Then, cedar fence planks were used for this so you can cut all the pieces out.

Next, attach with wood glue and finish nails. Then, fix the longer slap to the back and attach your zinc bottle opener. Last, you can finish it with metal brackets.

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