A good night’s sleep is exceedingly vital for our overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, nearly everyone has occasionally experienced sleepless nights in their lifetime. Many underlying factors can contribute to sleep deprivation. Some of these may include stresses and pressures related to work, or family responsibilities, illness, nutrition, and everyday practices. Thankfully, below are a few ways you can improve your sleep quality without much sweat.
1. Create a Relaxing Environment
A bedroom is one of those favorite sanctuaries where we love to hide away, relax, and unwind after the hustles and bustles of the day. The ambiance in your room is therefore essential, especially since it can affect your sleep quality. Create a bedroom that is ideal for restful sleep.
It should have a cozy feel, also dark and quiet. You can achieve this by investing in a good bed, mattress, and ample pillows for maximum comfort. As seen at Sleepy Center, a good adjustable bed can help ensure you snooze off as soon as you get into the covers. This is because you can always adjust the bed to the most suitable/comfortable sleeping position.
Moreover, you can hang dark curtains to block excess light, which deters you from sleep. Also, consider turning your fan or thermostat to the low settings at night for a cool environment. These are just a few of the many things that promote quality sleep.
2. Limit Screen Time
The advancement in technology in today’s 21st century has turned the world into a global village where you can converse with friends and families from any part of the world, anytime in an instant. Even with all its goodies, it also has its own downside. Most folks find themselves addicted to chatting for hours, watching video games, movies, and the like at the expense of quality sleep.
Overindulging on-screen time tends to make it harder for one to catch a lull later, primarily due to the intense colors and brightness that keep the eyes glued awake. Try as much as possible to turn your technology off at least two or so hours before to avoid disrupting your sleep.
It will allow your brain to have a breather and switch into “sleep mode” before jumping on the bed.
3. Watch Your Caffeine Intake
Sipping a cup of tea, coffee, or a caffeinated drink seems to be a ritual to most folks as they warm up before bedtime. This, however, is among the top habits that ruin your sleep and end up disrupting your sleep cycle. Also, it tends to increase your trips to the bathroom during sleep time, further affecting your sleep quality.
If you love cuddling a mug of coffee before taking a lull, ensure you take one some few hours before bedtime – at least 4-6 hours before. This will reduce your waking episodes and award your body with a restful night.
4. Have a Sleeping Schedule
Sleep deprivation can tremendously affect your immune system and expose you to health threats like colds and viral infections. If you have been grappling with sleep every night, setting your internal clock to a specific schedule will help your body respond to sleep fast once that hour clocks.
Ensure you sleep the recommended seven to eight hours a night. Make it a habit to go to bed at the same time every day. Maintaining consistency in the sleep cycle will help bolster up your body’s sleep and wake-up rhythm. Don’t disrupt the cycle otherwise; you will have to go back to square one before you catch back on track.
5. Avoid Heavy Meals
An overly stuffed tummy is one of those things you don’t want before bedtime. Eating large meals before bedtime causes great discomfort and bloating which can only keep you up and awake all night. Avoid eating a few hours before going to bed. Have your dinner as early as two or three hours before bedtime. If you feel famished before the set sleep time, grab a healthy light snack. It could be an apple, whole wheat crackers depending on your liking.
This will keep your belly going till morning.
6. Sleep Routine
Sleep is a vital function that allows the body and mind to recharge and refresh for the new day. Developing a certain behavior before sleep time will always throw you into a lull easily. It could be that you love taking a relaxing bath, taking a glass of warm milk, listening to soothing rhymes, reading a book, or doing a little exercise.
Whatever drops you to snooze easily, consider making it an everyday task. Such a ritual will always signal the body that it’s time to jump into bed. As time goes by, the habit will start triggering your body to sleep as soon as you jump into your comfy bed.
Sleep is a fundamental component of perfect health. If you are one of those unlucky folks who toss and turn in bed every night or wake up exhausted with droopy eyes, try the above tips. Your body will thank you later.