Some people love to sit beside the window and see the condition outside while thinking of something. Are you one of them? It will be nice to decorate our window with a window valance to little bit expose it. Window valances will improve our space decor. There are plenty of different styles and colors of them at the store. However, the DIY enthusiast will try another option. Here we have collected DIY window valance ideas to inspire you. Check out and get inspired more!

DIY Ruffled Valance Curtain

Diy ruffled valance curtain


What do you think of this valance curtain? It looks so pretty, huh? You can use it to decorate your kitchen window or any space. You will need 1/3 yard of four cotton fabric for the four different tiers and a half yard of the fabric for the back. Prepare the tools of a serger to roll them and a ruffler root for sewing. Check out the tutorials here.

Painted and Textured Wall Paper Window Valance

You will need sheets of MDF to make this window valence and cut it out according to your window size. Add L brackets to attach the MDF to the wall. Finish it with wallpaper to look unique. Install the hardware for the curtain road across the backside. Check out more instructions here.

DIY Monogrammed Window Valance

Get a simple fabric in any color you like. Then, print the monogram of your choosing. It is a simple craft that a newbie can finish in less than an hour. Add other accessories like your own drawing, decal, or sticker. See the tutorials here.

Tulle And Fabric Scrap Window Valance with Bows

It is a beautiful window valance for your little kid’s room. You will need tulle, pattern fabric strips, and pretty bows. You should at least have basic sewing skills to finish this project sooner. Check out the tutorials here, and make the window valance in your version.

DIY Patterned No-Sew Window Valance

If you don’t want to sew, try this window valance. Prepare fabric with a bold pattern, metal hanging rod for window, heat and bond, iron, tape measure, and fabric scissors. Check out here to see how to make it.

DIY Valance With a Hanging Bow

Look at this window valance. It is so pretty to add some pattern and personality to your space. You only need a patterned fabric and a cute bow. See the instructions on how to make it here and customize it if you like.


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