One of the most popular useful projects in home decor is chalkboard because it is fun, cheap, easy and interactive. Chalkboard reminds us of our happy school days and childhood graffiti. This is an interesting and practical home improvement project for your home. And you can add chalkboard paint to any surface.
Kitchen is a great space to show off you creativity and kitchen is the perfect place to do chalkboards project. You can hand-write the recipe, shopping lists and it can be erase anytime or you can do it into you bottle and mason jars to write the ingredient of it. Chalkboards are also the decorative elements of the kitchen functional areas such as kitchen backsplashes, breakfast zone, cabinet doors or even the floor. If you want to bring chalkboards into your kitchen space, see these 32 inspiring ways below.
Brick Backsplash with Chalkboard from designmag
Big Cabinet Doors with Chalkboard
Chalkboard Paint Cabinet from goodhousekeeping
Chalkboard Wall from idesignarch
Fridge Painted with Chalkboard Paint from casasincreibles
Chalkboard Paint Kitchen Wall from apartmenttherapy
Chalkboard Door Pantry from decorandthedog

Wall Chalkboard and Wooden Shelf from theartinlife
Door Chalkboard from fourgenerationsoneroof
Sideboard from eltallerdeloantiguo
Chalkboard Kitchen from homemydesign
Chalkboard Paint Wall Hallway
Farmhouse Dining Room with Chalkboard Wall from apartmenttherapy
Kitchen Chalkboard Paint Wall from dekorin
Vintage Door Chalkboad from designsponge
Kitchen Wall Chalkboard and Open Shelving
Kitchen Chalkboard Paint Ideas from top-home-design
Chalkboard Wall Dining Table
Chalkboard Painting Drawers from jefouinetufouines
Chalkboard Pantry from lamansiondelasideas
Chalkboard Cabinets from fthis
Window Shutter Chalkboard
Kitchen Door from imagenesdecocinas
Chalk Paint Filing Cabinet from countryliving
Chalk Piant Refrigerator from aspicyboycatandmyfatass
White Board in Kitchen
Green Cabinet and Chalkboard from thecameronteam
Menu Board from decoratorist
Fridge Chalkboard from hgtv
Menu Board on Backsplash from decorordesign
Kitchen Chalkboard Barn Door from trendir
Chalk Tablecloth from meganmorrisblog