As the sweetener for your sofa, cushion can be created into so many different designs. Even more, if you know exactly on how to manage the design with your room decoration style it will be perfect. In hence, it is important for you to recognize the characteristic of your room style.

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So, you can adjust your cushion design well with the sofa and the decoration style to make a good harmony.


First, we have floral cushion design here. As you know that flower is identical with something chic and feminine. However, for decoration field, floral commonly applied for classic decoration style. Moreover, it is also proper for Boho decoration style because this style has its colorful, unique, and also chic design characteristics. Related to that, floral can work well for Boho decoration style.

Sunny cheerful floral cushion decoration in sun flower shape ornament that is added in the white pillow cover.
White roses which are scattered in all part of the cushion cover to give a calm and peaceful impression
Orange felt fabric flower as the embellishment for your black and white modern cover cushion.
With this yellow flower shape, your cushion even more awesome as if it is a real flower blooming
Colorful fabric roses to decorate your rectangular white cushion that will fit for your Boho or classic decoration style
Simple decoration in the top corner of your cushion cover works well for your modern decoration style.

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Second cushion style will be plaid cushion pattern. Because of its rigid pattern look, so that this style can match your modern decoration style. However, the industrial is also accept this kind of cushion style. It is because industrial almost has the same characteristic with modern style. There are some colors allowed for this style although it won’t be as wide as the other styles. Get the references now!

Red and black plaid cushion cover style that combined with dark brown sofa might indicate the classic style, but the simple style look makes it possible to be the modern one.
Neutral colors cushion design is so much worthy for your simple modern style. The leopard pattern used as an additional sweetener.
Black and white plaid cushion cover design combined with red and white plaid cushion cover are really a good match for modern decoration style.
The wide space plaid in black and white color compared with certain different space sizes plaid can create a really awesome combination.
These cushion cover might have the same pattern with the previous design, however it has other unique design where the buttons applied into the cover.
Simple black and red cushion cover paired with black sofa to make such a good color combination.

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Third cushion style done by using the patchworks. Certainly this style will work well for Boho style. Because of the patchworks utilization where it comes in some different fabric pattern, you can have varied pattern in one cushion.

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In hence, it leads into the Boho characteristic as you can get the unique and anti mainstream designs. At last, please check out on how gorgeous the patchwork could be.

The patchworks here sewed with spaces to show the basic cover of the cushion. For this style, better for you to use plain fabric as the base.
Sew tightly the patchworks so that it fills the basic fabric cover. It leaves spaces on the edge of each cushion side.
This design is quite easy to make because it gives no space and has the wide cut.
Quite difficult design for the patchwork cushion because the patchworks are cut into certain different form. However, although it may difficult but it is really unique and pretty.
Round shape patchworks that sewed sheet by sheet to get the pattern shape. Add the patchworks around the edge of the cushion.
Just like the previous design, it has round shape pattern where the difference is on the size. You could compare it and choose the best one for you.

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The last one is crochet cusion. For you who do not have the skill in knitting, it might will be difficult. Anyway, if you have the skill and the time, then you can use our pictures as your references. In this case, chrocet can be really special since it has its own value because of the difficulty level. You can create the pattern just like what the fabric has or even more create the form of some things like flower.

A simple red crocheted pillow with white-colored RSS feed icon on it for super trendy and fun look
Monochromatic chrocet cusion design added with buble form to give statement for the design.
Adorable chrocet cusion in a real flower form which is fit well for your Boho or classic decoration style.
Yellow and red plaid pattern chrochet cusion for your modern decoration style.
A chrocet cushion with white color as the basic color. You can create circle pattern for a more calm impression than the plaid one.
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A really modern chrocet pattern style in black and white colors to strengthen the modern impression.

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