DIY ideas are not only for adult. In fact, we can also make kids happy by making something together. This kind of activity is also good for your kids development. And plus, you won’t hear ‘I am bored’ words from your kids for a while because they’ll get busy with it.
You’ll only need to clean the mess after all.

Transform a windowed pencil case into an armchair treasure hunt with this no-sew project. fill the case with poly pellets to obscure the treasures
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Turn old keys into a colorful DIY key wind chime for your yard or garden. Let your kid paint the key

These airplane clothespins are super easy to make, and they’re super cute, too! All it takes is a clothespin, some craft foam, and glue

Recycle your old milk and juice cartons into colorful tissue paper collage birdhouses for your feathered friends

If you have glue or tape, scissors, and a stash of leftover to and paper towel rolls, you can create this DIY cardboard marble run with your kid

Bubble painting is a fun way to create art with your children! easily craft your artwork into note cards, bookmarks, and more for fun homemade gift ideas
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Kids love to get messy. put those messy hands into something creative like creating flower prints using a bottle cap