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DIY mason jar ideas

21 Creative DIY Mason Jar Ideas with Glitter Decoration

Glitter and mason jar are two things that really common for the DIY craft projects. Not only common, those things also flexible as it can be used to make several crafts. It covers from the stand out DIY glitter ornament to the functional stuff like lighting or vase.

Awesome DIY Ideas on A Budget with Mason Jar

Invented and patented by John, Landis Mason back in 1858, hence the name, Mason jars were originally created to help with the preservation of food. The jars are still being used today and their utility has gone beyond the original intended purpose. Mason jar crafts and projects have been a craze for a long time now. Mason jars are easy to find and are quite affordable. You can find them at your local craft store or use old jars from your recycling. It’s shocking the amazing things you can make with just a little bit of creativity.