Many people now are very interested in having flowers. Therefore, making your own planters or recycle some other planter is perfectly useful for this activity. Thus, here we have Pretty Fresh DIY Planters You Can Create From Scratch Or Recycled Materials.

Bench With Built-In Planters
This project is offering you a double great project as a place to sit on and a few really nice planters as well. This idea is simple where it involves cinderblocks that can be used to create a sturdy base for the seat of the bench. Besides, it also serves as a simple piece of wood going across.
Driftwood Centerpiece
In the world of DIY projects, driftwood will never get you disappointed. It is always a lovely and refreshing item as your table centerpiece. The supplies you need for this project are a long piece of driftwood, compressed air machine, power washer, power drill, self-feed, hot glue gun, sphagnum moss, potting soil, small succulents, decorative moss, old paintbrush, and a spray bottle.
Hanging Hoop Stand
This idea offers you a simple, stylish, and clean look. It works so stands out that work as a variety of different types of pots and planters that they fit snugly into the middle circle. The bowl here plays up the mod vibes of the hoop planter.
Woven Planters
These woven planters are perfectly turning empty plastic nursery pots for a good result. The supplies you need to create these woven planters are plastic nursery pots, yarn, twine, cording, a soft tape measure, scissors, pencil, or marker.
DIY Book Planters
Let start this project by finding out some old books and cut a hole in which you will later fit a plastic sheet to prevent any water and dirt to deteriorate the rest of the books. Because of that, you can trim the extra plastic and clean the newly created planter. The complete materials you need are a vintage book, 2 to 3 succulents, a little bit of potting soil, 1 Exacto knife, parchment paper, white glue, and dry moss.
Recycled Upside-Down Planters
Do you ever imagine having upside-down planters at home? To create these planters you will need a tin can with a plastic resealable lid, a wire hanger, fabric scraps, scissors, an Exacto knife, hairdryer, can opener, plants, duct tape, spray adhesive, drill, potting soil, coffee filters, wire cutters, and pliers.
Coffee Bag Planter Pots
This coffee bag pots are extremely fantastic because it made from recycled materials and weather-resistant but biodegradable as well. The materials you need to create are coffee bags and scissors. Meanwhile for equipment is a sewing machine (needle and thread).