Mosaic art projects are something that anyone can do. It is super cheap. You will use small pieces of broken tiles, mirrors, pennies, dishes, bowls, or more to create a project. Then, you can use your work to improve your home decoration. Don’t worry if you are a newbie because mosaic arts are simple projects you can finish in less than an hour. Of course, it depends on how big your item is. We have collected DIY mosaic art projects to inspire you!

Beautiful Mosaic Art Mirror

Beautiful mosaic art mirror


Improve the mirror in the bathroom with mosaic art. It will need glass pieces of colored glass to fit the space of the mirror. Feel free to choose any mirror shape you like, but an oval mirror will be much better. It reflects more and creates a colorful shine in the bathroom.

Mosaic Side Table

Let us make a difference to the side table in your bedroom! We will need glass pieces of mirror or other fragile items you have. Then, attach them one by one to the side table. However, you can paint it first to make it brand new. What do you think? Easy, right? You can do so for an outdoor table to get it more impressive.

Mosaic Terra Cotta Pot

You are free to use various glass pieces in this mosaic art. Moreover, this terra cotta pot is nice with bottle cap mosaic too. What do you think? Crafting is easy, right? It uses unexpected items but creates products. You can use it to plant a flower or feel free to sell it online. Check out how to make it further here

Mosaic Candle Holder

Take a glass fish tank. Then, attach your glass pieces to the glass tank using hot glue. Then, use it to hold candles. You will make light in your room. It seems like you are living in the Cleopatra house. What a beautiful craft! Even you can sell it online and earn more money.

DIY Mosaic Dolphin


What do you think of it? Some tile pieces are great for making this mosaic dolphin. Well. You will need a hammer or glass cutters to cut the glasses into some. You also have to prepare the backing material, for example, wood. Cut it out into a dolphin shape. Apply glue to the dolphin wood as much as possible. Then, attach the glass pieces to the wood one by one. Check out more about how to make it here.





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