Applying the wallpaper doesn’t mean that you should stick the wallpaper with limited designs there. Here, you can do the hand-painted wallpaper that can be adjusted based on your taste. Whatever design you want to apply, you can surely have it. Also, the hand-painted wallpaper will give you more satisfaction because the result will really represent your imagination and something that is made by your own effort will be more valuable for you. The hand-painted wallpaper will be varied in design. You may have the artistic one in a complex design but you can also have the simple one that looks pretty and aesthetic. The following designs are the proper designs you may copy.

Colorful Hand-Painted Wallpaper

Do you like creativity? If so, you can try making hand-painted wallpaper in your home. Abstract wallpaper is very easy to make but manages to make your walls look more attractive. This wallpaper is made using several combinations of bright colors so that it will make your walls stand out more. You can apply this hand-painted wallpaper to this bathroom decoration so that it will make your bathroom look very stunning. This hand-painted wallpaper idea will never fail you to apply to your bathroom decoration so it will look perfect. Colorful Hand-Painted Wallpaper from @the.real.abbywarren.

Striped Wallpaper

Make your wall decor look more attractive than usual! Applying wallpaper there is a perfect idea. Wallpaper made hand-painted will present a very creative and inspiring look. Having a striped pattern, this wallpaper is very easy to make and still looks perfect. Made using a combination of bright colors will make this wallpaper look brighter and your wall decor more alive. Applying this hand-painted wallpaper to your dining room wall decor will bring its own charm and can inspire. Striped Wallpaper from @kvyainc.

Blue Flower Wallpaper

Instead of buying wallpaper in the store, making hand-painted wallpaper is a very creative idea. This hand-painted wallpaper has a Butterfly flower theme that will bring a feminine look to your home. Having shades of blue will make this hand-painted wallpaper look very beautiful and charming. Applying this hand-painted wallpaper to your reading nook wall decor can improve your mood. Then you can bring furniture with blue nuances so that it will make it look matching and extraordinary. Blue Flower Wallpaper from @porterteleo.

Face Wallpaper

This white wall decoration is equipped with wallpaper that makes it look more alive and not boring. You can make this wallpaper in a hand-painted way so that it will look very creative and inspiring. This hand-painted wallpaper has a face theme so it will present a different look than usual and can steal attention. Made using blue watercolor will make it look beautiful and very attractive. This hand-painted wallpaper idea manages to make your walls look more alive and not look boring. Face Wallpaper from @ak.designla.

Enigma Wallpaper

Are you decorating walls? If so, you can bring the wallpaper there. Wallpaper that is made hand-painted will present a very creative look. Deliberately and carefully intersecting lines create a subtle repeating pattern that will make your dining look more beautiful and attractive. Made using black watercolor and has a white background, it will present a very perfect monochromatic look in your home. You can apply this wallpaper in the living room so that it will make your living room decoration look more perfect. Enigma Wallpaper from @twillandtexture.

Abstract Wallpaper

Don’t let your walls look boring! Applying wallpaper on the wall is the right solution. You can load hand-painted wallpaper so that it will look more creative and inspiring. This wallpaper has an abstract theme that will present a very impressive visual appearance. Some of the color combinations used in making this hand-painted wallpaper will present a very beautiful appearance. Applying this hand-painted wallpaper on your dining room wall will make your dining room decor look more alive. Abstract Wallpaper from @onmadison.

Chevron Wallpaper

Show your creativity now! Making hand-painted wallpaper is the right solution. You can make DIY chevron wallpaper to complement your home decor to make it look more festive. Made using black watercolor and has a white background, it will present a very beautiful monochromatic look. You can apply this hand-painted wallpaper to your bathroom decor so it will look more festive. This hand-painted chevron wallpaper idea is very easy to make and will never fail to add to your home decor. Chevron Wallpaper from

Dream Catcher Wallpaper

This orange wall looks very beautiful decorated with wallpaper. This hand-painted wallpaper will present a very creative and inspiring look. Having a dream catcher theme, this hand-painted wallpaper will never fail you to present in your bedroom decor. This dress catcher has a black color theme so that it will make it look more prominent without having to look too much. The table lamp spotlight on this dream catcher wallpaper will make it look very perfect. Dream Catcher Wallpaper from @marciepaper.

Rain Drops Wallpaper

Amazing! The laundry room, which is equipped with hand-painted wallpaper, looks very festive and amazing. This rain drops wallpaper pattern made using black watercolor looks perfect. It’s not enough just a little, you can make this rain drops wallpaper to fill the entire surface of the wall so that it will make your wall look more prominent. Applying this hand-painted wallpaper to your laundry room wall decor will elevate your mood and become more vibrant. This hand-painted wallpaper is very easy to make and still looks beautiful. Rain Drops Wallpaper from @athomeintheprairies.

Wave Wallpaper

You will never fail to complete your wall decor with this wallpaper. This hand-painted wallpaper manages to present a creative and inspirational look. Made with a wave design, this wallpaper manages to make your walls look very beautiful and attractive. First, you can paint the entire surface of the wall with a dark blue color as a background to make it look more attractive. Then you can start the wave wallpaper with white watercolor so it will look more beautiful and attractive. Applying this wallpaper in the living room will bring its own charm and can inspire. Wave Wallpaper from @fresq_ru.

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