If you have a pair of boots from last year, or maybe even two years ago, then you do not want to buy the new one. You can surely have the proper footwear without even buying the new one for this winter. The ideas below will let you makeover your old boots.

Buttoned Boot Scarf

Buttoned boot scarf Amusing Ways To Customize Your Boots Before Winter Comes


If you’re looking for a piece that’s a little more feminine and sweet than the edgier ribbon and chain look, you can try this soft strip of chiffon from an old scarf. Choose your favorite color to be your personal boot style.

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Glitter Rainboot

Glitter rainboot Amusing Ways To Customize Your Boots Before Winter Comes


If your kids are attracted to anything cute, brightly colored, and sparkly, this project is a great choice. The supplies you need are rainboot, ribbon, and glitter blast spray paint.

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The result will please your kids to enjoy wearing the boots this winter.

Simple Studded Straps

These boots will create a stunning presentation in every step you take. Your ordinary boots will magically transform into an amusing couple this winter. The supplies you need for this project are leather boots, an X-acto knife, studs, and strong glue.

Bohemian Boot Makeover

This boot makeover version uses lace and leather thongs strung with buttons to make a more whimsical-looking ankle strap than the other. The complete materials are boots filled with hand towels or other cloth to maintain shape, ribbon on the roll, embossed felt, braided leather cord, big button, long necklace or chain, and large jewelry accent.

Cut Out Combats

If you live in a warmer place where your boots do not need to be insulated and waterproof, this project will let you enjoy the aesthetic of personal style. After that, this alteration is perfect for you! You may try cutting out a pattern all along the back of the boot up your leg so it creates a peekaboo effect.

Chrome Gold Toes

Customize your boots with this project really is as simple as just painting the toes of your boots with a durable all surface, fabric, or leather paint in a pretty chrome gold. On the other hand, you may choose other colors, but this one complements the leather.

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