There’s no right or wrong way to construct a zen garden or rock garden where you can use a bowl with sand or rocks and arrange objects as you please. There are so many ways to personalize your Zen garden at home. See the ideas below on DIY Zen Garden In Mini Style To Create For Fresh Desk.

Rectangle Black White Mini Garden

Rectangle black white mini garden DIY Zen Garden In Mini Style To Create For Fresh Desk


Look at this result of the DIY mini garden idea as a way to get relief from the tensions and stress of daily life. The materials you need are a dish, sand, crystals, air plants, stones, little knick-knacks, and a mini rake.

Here, you can create a mini rake yourself that is made out of scrap wood and skewers. You can just cut skewers to size, drill holes the size of the skewers, and then glue them in place. Then, it is mentioned as a perfect gift for a friend that’s stuck in a dreary office all winter.

Desktop Zen Garden

Desktop zen garden DIY Zen Garden In Mini Style To Create For Fresh Desk


This project will no need to find an ideal container, instead get some wood scraps and create one on your own. The materials you need are wood scraps, planks, sticks, nice rocks maximum in 10cm, small pebbles, sand, plastic, rubber, fiber, old newspaper, and some old paint.

White Zen Garden

Let the zen garden refresh your mind and thought. Look at this white zen garden that you can create yourself.

The materials you need are a shallow bowl, fine sand or gravel, pebbles, paint, crochet doilies, and any other trinkets you desire. You can paint a few rocks with nail polish and puff paint, and wrapped another in crochet.

Calming Tabletop Zen Garden

It is a calming tabletop zen garden to beautify your indoor or outdoor table. Here, the materials you need are a bowl or plate, sand in any color, river stones in any color, and a bamboo skewer. You can also try swapping out the sand and rock colors for a different look.

Draw swirls instead of lines.

Succulent Zen Garden

A succulent Zen garden feeds your need for nature and tranquility, along with a healthy dose of nostalgia. The materials you need are Shallow, decorative bowl, small succulent, Sand (2 colors), Small paper cup, Small rocks (for decoration), and Chopstick or other ‘drawing’ tool.

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