Indoor air quality is crucial and can be significantly influenced by the air pollutants from pets, people, and outdoor air. The most common pollutants include dust mites and pollen, which can cause a significant threat to your health. 

These pollutants are more significant at home since most indoor areas are enclosed and lack proper ventilation. This makes it easy for pollutants to access your home but hard to get out. 

Fortunately, there are many ways you can enhance your indoor air quality. Below we discuss a few, and you can contact for more information.

1. Clean Regularly

Undoubtedly, cleaning frequently is the best way to get rid of pollutants from your home. This might sound obvious, but cleaning your house often will make a significant difference. The most important cleaning activity is vacuuming, which should be done in all areas. 

You are also advised to create schedules where you clean your sheets thoroughly. The recommended sheet changing time is after two weeks to keep your house mite-free. 

2. Ditch the Carpet

Most people love their wall-to-wall carpet, but it introduces VOCs and toxins to your premises. This occurs because the chemicals manufacturing these carpets entail VOCs like formaldehyde. 

These carpets will release low VOC levels for many years, contaminating your indoor air. Besides that, carpets also trap common pollutants like dust mites and dirt. Carpet lovers should choose plastic-lined designs instead since strains are impossible to penetrate. 

3. Use Salt Crystal Lamps

It is advisable to have a salt crystal lamp in your indoor space as it cleanses the surrounding air. The most common air purifier is the Himalayan pink salt that attracts pollutants from the air before killing them. 

Most salt crystal products lower airborne irritants and allergens by eliminating water vapor from the air. Besides that, these products also include a rustic touch to your interior, making it glow naturally without distracting your rest. 

These lamps’ main advantage is they work when off, even though they are advised to turn it on for the best results.  

4. Improve Ventilation

By increasing ventilation, you must not open windows but instead install trickle vents that recycle and purify your air. Exhaust fans are an excellent alternative that helps homeowners to get rid of pollutants. Also, you are advised to let the steam out after a bath to ensure minimum mold. 

Kitchens should be better ventilated than other house areas since they are a significant trigger of indoor air pollution. This occurs mainly if you use gas stoves that release unhealthy gases like nitrogen dioxide. 

5. Use Beeswax Candles

Beeswax candles are believed to ionize your interior air, thus, neutralizing toxic contaminants in the air. These candles improve indoor air quality and have a long lifespan as they do not need to be changed frequently. 

Final Thoughts

Indoor air quality is essential; you should go out of your way to ensure it is in the best state. The above article has discussed how to achieve this, and you can reach out for more information. 

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