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How to Make Sure Your Office Space Is Always Tidy

Not everyone has the same preferences when it comes to working. Some people prefer to play some music while they work, others need complete silence to be able to focus. However,  almost everyone agrees that a clean, tidy workplace is best for work productivity. Some studies show that messy offices have negative effects on employees’ performance and ability to focus on work, as well as their mental and psychological state during work hours.

Having a tidy office may be a bit challenging at times, especially when there’s a lot of paperwork, physical files, and office tools are required for various tasks. Whatever the type of work that happens in the office is, we bring you this article to help you make sure your office space is always tidy.

Always Filter the Stuff on Your Desk

People are usually too busy with work tasks that more often than not they keep papers, boxes, or any items that they say they’ll check but forget about them later. Regularly checking the items on your desk and getting rid of what you don’t need is a great way to reduce clutter and have fewer items, which means a tidier office. Filtering the papers and other stuff on desks can be a bit of a challenge if it’s not done regularly, so make it a point to do this as often as once every week or twice a week, depending on your needs and your work style.

Hire a Cleaning Service

Especially with the current pandemic situation the world is facing, getting the office space cleaned up properly is extremely necessary. Usually, offices have people responsible for cleaning the place every day, but every once in a while workspaces need a thorough cleaning. This is why it is best to hire professional cleaning services for cleaning, disinfecting, and organizing the place. You can always choose the cleaning service company that suits your requirements and your budget. It is preferable to get the process done after work hours to avoid noises and disturbance during work.

Have a Trash Bin Close by

It’s nearly impossible to keep your desk clean without having a trash bin close by. When you’re too focused on your job tasks, the last thing you need is to cut off what you’re doing and get up to throw your trash in the main trash bin. The result is that many workers end up creating a huge mess on their desks because they keep whatever they need to throw away on the desk. Keeping a trash can beside or under your desk is an excellent way to easily throw your waste away and not have to keep it on your desk.

Try to Go Green 

Since many files and paperwork can now be replaced by soft copies, do your best to use these soft copies and avoid hard ones. Unless it’s absolutely critical to have a hard copy of a document, try to use soft copies as much as possible to reduce the amount of paper clutter in the office. This is also a great way to contribute to the environment and save natural resources by reducing the use of paper. Another great way to use less paper is to print documents on the front and back of the paper. This will literally help you cut paper waste by 50%, which is a win for all parties; the environment, work spending, and office space mess.

Use Storage Items

Instead of having piles of paper on top of the desk, you can put important papers inside files and folders that you can keep in a drawer. Another good idea is to have an organizer for tools and papers that take up less space and have great storage capacity. Installing shelves, drawers,  and storage cabinets is another wonderful way to store papers and files and make the office area look clean and tidy. These storage units are great for keeping important items safely stored, as well as protecting them from getting dusty or damaged.

Organizing your working space has numerous benefits for your health and work production. Many studies show that clutter is one of the main reasons for distraction, which leads to poor work quality and makes work all the more stressful. Many people also feel that unorganized office spaces are demotivating and make work tasks feel more like a burden. Mess also attracts dust and many unhealthy particles to it, which eventually lead to different health issues. All this proves that a tidy workspace is healthy as well as helps keep workers motivated to finish more work and do it efficiently.

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