Decorating your home with winter touches is something that is really worth it. Especially because during winter, there will be a Christmas celebration. That is why applying the winter atmosphere with some additional of Christmas decorations is such a must. We have our own focus when decorating our homes, but, for winter decoration, we do recommend you decorate your window. It is also great how winter decorations can be made with DIY projects. It is quite easy to make the window decoration where you can simply apply the garland, wreath, any other hanging ornament, some pots or vases, and more. However, of course, you should choose the ones with a winter theme. What are those? Check the following ideas.
Evergreen Garland
Make your windows look more festive this winter! Presenting a garland is the right solution. Garland made with this DIY project using evergreens looks beautiful and is suitable for a winter theme. Then you can install this evergreen garland in the dining room window so that it will present a more beautiful and festive look. You can also add other garland so that it will make your winter window decoration look more perfect and manage to steal the attention of everyone who sees it. This winter window decoration idea looks perfect in an easy way. Evergreen Garland from @the_brickfarmhouse.
Glue Snowflake
Snowflake is one of the ornaments that will never fail to complete winter decorations in your home. You can make this snowflake using glue so it will look interesting and very creative. Don’t forget to add a sprinkling of glitter on top of the snowflake glue so that it will make this snowflake ornament look more beautiful. This snowflake ornament also has a small hole at the top for attaching a small rope there. Then you can hang this glue snowflake ornament on the window so that it will present a perfect winter look. Glue Snowflake from @lyubov.babitskaya.
Lighted Evergreen
Doing a DIY project to complete the winter window decoration is the perfect idea that you can try right now. It doesn’t have to be complicated, you just take evergreen from the garden and display it on the windowsill. Then you can add a string light there so that it will present a beautiful and very festive winter look. Maybe this is not enough, you can add a garland made with a DIY project using a white circle-shaped paper so that it will look like a snowball. Hanging it on the window will present a creative and inspirational look. Lighted Evergreen from @thedailydiyer.
Snowy Pine Cone
This winter window decoration looks very attractive with a DIY touch. You can string this pine cone using a rope and tie it to a twig so it will look like a wall hanging. Don’t forget to add a sprinkling of white powder to this pine cone craft for a perfect snowy look. Then you can hang it on the window of your house so that it will make your window decoration look perfect and not look boring. Here you can also add a fairy light so it will look more alive. Snowy Pine Cone from @la_soffitta_incantata.
Wooden Christmas Tree
Very lively! This winter window decoration is equipped with some DIY ornaments so that it will present a very festive look. This mini christmas tree made using wooden material manages to present a perfect rustic appearance. Then you can display it on the windowsill so that it will present an aesthetic look. Here you can also add snowman and snowflake ornaments so that they will make your winter window decorations look more festive. This winter window decoration idea is quite easy and will never fail to try. Wooden Christmas Tree from @rabbitiswiseee.
Lighted Paper Christmas Tree
Express your creativity right now! decorating windows with a winter theme is a perfect idea. This spruce tree made with a DIY project using white paper material looks very perfect. Then you can neatly display it on the windowsill for a simple yet perfect winter touch. Continue by adding a white led light behind this pine tree paper so that it will present a very beautiful view at night. This winter window decoration idea looks so perfect and manages to steal the attention of everyone who sees it. Lighted Paper Spruce Tree from @skushay.
Christmas Ball Garland
Do you have a collection of Christmas balls that are no longer used? If so you can use it to decorate windows. You can string these Christmas balls using yarn to make a beautiful garland. Then you can hang it on the window so that it will make your winter window decoration look more attractive without being overwhelming. You can also add a DIY paper garland there to add to the excitement of your winter window so that it manages to steal attention and can inspire. Christmas Ball Garland from
Snowball Chain
Creative and inspiring! This winter window decoration is equipped with a DIY touch that makes it look very creative. This snowball chain made using white pom poms looks very attractive and is perfect for completing winter decorations in your home. Then you can hang it on the outside window so that it manages to steal the attention of everyone who comes and can inspire. You can also add some snowman ornaments on the windowsill so that it will make your winter decorations look more alive. Snowball Chain from @littlemissdahlia.
Paper Snowflake Chain
You will never present snowflake ornaments to complete winter decorations in your home. This snowflake made using paper material looks beautiful and is very safe for children. Then you can assemble this paper snowflake into a chain so that it will look more beautiful and attractive. Hanging it on the window will make your window look more festive and your winter decoration looks perfect. This winter window decoration idea is quite easy and will never fail for you to try now. Paper Snowflake Chain from @mamas_kram.
Hand Painted Window Decor
Try doing a DIY project to complement your winter decor to make it look more creative. This hand painted winter window looks very creative and inspiring. Having a snowman theme will make it look absolutely perfect this winter. As decoration, you can add snowflake Pattern, Christmas gift, mini snowman and christmas ball so that it will present a more festive look. This winter window decoration idea has a fairly high artistic value and managed to steal the attention of everyone who came to see it. Hand Painted Window Decor from @fitmom_loves_fashion.
Snowman Sticker
Are you decorating the winter window? If so, you can try the following ideas. Bringing a snowman theme to complete this window decoration is a perfect idea. It doesn’t have to be complicated, you can use a snowman sticker to complete this window decoration so it will look perfect in a fairly easy way. Here you can also add a snowflake sticker so it will look perfect for this winter theme. These window decorations are easy enough to try and still look perfect in the fall. Snowman Sticker from @valeriagalofaro.
Mini Pine Cone Tree
This window is equipped with floating shelves that can be used to display various kinds of ornaments. This mini pine cone tree made with this DIY project manages to present a pretty creative look. It’s quite easy, here you just need to take a pine leaf and stick it in the pot so it will look like the original. Then you can add a pine cone there so it will look like the original mini pine cone tree. Finally, you can display it on the window shelves with snowy greenery so it will look perfect this winter. Mini Pine Cone Tree from @caseylynnlawrence.
Wooden Deer and Christmas Tree
This window decoration looks very inspiring with various DIY ornaments. Deer ornament made using wooden material and coated with cotton will present a very beautiful appearance. You can also add wooden lanterns and wooden tree ornaments so that they will make your window decorations look more festive. Lighted wreath made using faux greenery will present a beautiful and quite refreshing appearance. Hanging it on a window will make it a pretty interesting focal point in your home. Wooden Deer and Christmas Tree from @maisonsdumonde_de.
Evergreen Wreath
Simple but still attractive in winter! This winter window decoration is equipped with DIY wreath so that it will present a beautiful appearance. Made using evergreens will make it look absolutely perfect this winter. Having a circle shape will make it look simple and not excessive. Equipped with a ribbon at the top will make it easier to display. Finally you can hang it on the window so that it will make your window look very perfect in a fairly simple way. Evergreen Wreath from @barrydarrdixon.
 Berries Garland
Presenting berries to complement winter decorations is a pretty interesting idea to try. You can use this red berry to make a garland so that it will present a different look than usual and quite interesting. Having a fairly long size will make these red berries suitable to complement window decorations. Finally you can hang this red berries garland on the window so that it will make your winter window look more festive in a fairly easy way. Berries Garland from @olliejandro31.