This page will serve you a qualified idea for Christmas decoration where you will not spend so much money. Besides, this idea will also help the environment because they recycle parts. Therefore, keep reading on DIY Ideas From Recycled Materials To Create Amazing Christmas Decoration.

Plastic Bottle Penguins
Let us go to the cutest Christmas ideas. You will need 2 pet bottles of coca of the same size, hot glue, acrylic or craft paints, glossy acrylic varnish, per primer, black CD marker, a piece of wool, and a piece of fabric.
Upcycled Plastic Cup Snowman Ornament
If you have a scout troop or Sunday school group that needs an inexpensive recycling project, then this one is your solution. The materials you need for this upcycled ornament are two used K cups in black and white, black felt, 12’’ of 1/8’’ ribbon, tacky craft glue, compass, ruler, nail, round paper, punch, white colored pencil, scissors, pony bead, large-eye darning needle, and dimensional fabric paint (orange and black).
Snowballs From Bedspreads
It is actually a non-Christmas specific craft that you can keep all the session after winter. The materials you need for this bedspreads snowballs are candlewick bedspread fabric torn into 1,5’’ strips, balls (whiffle, styrofoam, or old ornament), hot glue, scissors, mica flakes, mod podge, and paintbrush.
Plastic Spoon Snowmen
Are they really made from plastic spoons? Yes, they are. this is a combination of plastic spoons and small clay pots. Besides, the complete materials are sealer, scissors, toothpick, craft paint, floral foam, little scraps of felt, ribbon, pom-poms, tissue paper, and a hot glue gun. Moreover, f you do not have the small clay pots, you can use the ice cream treat, spoons, and polystyrene.
Penguin Light Bulb Christmas
This is also an easy and creative design of recycling ideas for Christmas decoration and craft. You will need some light bulbs, a couple of paint brushes, acrylic paint or watercolors, various hats, scarves, dresses, tiaras, a pair of scissors, some glue, and thread.
Coffee Filter Christmas Tree
This is a vintage look of Christmas ornaments. The supplies needed for this tree are foam cone, regular stick pins, 9-10 natural coffee filters, white round-topped stick pins, red buttons, 2 white flowers glued back to back, hot glue gun, scissors, and something flat for the base.