There are thousands of comedies spinning around the idea that parents and their adult children will not and cannot get along if they’re under the same roof. The older folks sometimes don’t necessarily appreciate the effort while the youngsters sometimes don’t know how to please them.

However, our parents raised us to be the great people we are today, and the least we can do is be there in their time of need. We’re here to give you a few ideas on how to convert your guest house into a cozy retreat for your parents, so without any further ado, let’s get straight into it.

Get a better bed

The quality of sleep (and rest altogether) is influenced by a myriad of factors, with the leading factor being the quality of the bed. Thick, multi-layered orthopedic mattresses are generally recommended for older people, even if they don’t suffer from chronic pains and physical ailments.

If you’re not exactly sure what type of bed you should buy for your parents, a good rule of thumb to go by is ‘the bigger, the better.

’ Having ample space to find the perfect sleeping position is synonymous with king and queen-sized beds, though these can be quite pricey.

Leave a portion of your budget for better bedding too; bedding with zippered enclosure is easier to maintain, and it eliminates several steps in the process of ‘making the bed’.

Make the home lift-friendly

Even if your parents are fully mobile, knock on wood, it’s better to be prepared just in case. As people age, their bones become more brittle, unable to support the body’s weight like they used to.

Some people start feeling sluggish by the time they reach 60, some a bit later, but most elderly people can’t comfortably walk for longer periods by themselves.

Buying a proper walking chair and installing rails between floors should be one of your top priorities when redecorating your guest house.

Budget a quality TV with as much content as possible

Truth be told, older folks spend the majority of their waking hours in front of a TV screen, and most will tell you that that’s all they actually need to feel cozy and comfortable.

Obviously, people gradually lose their sight over time, and even the most advanced glasses can’t exactly correct such problems. That small, old TV you’ve had in the shed collecting dust won’t cut it. The best way to go is to invest in a large-screen TV, preferably with a high refresh rate that is capable of unobstructed angled viewing.

Furthermore, you may want to consider a Smart TV that you can remotely control from your home. Your parents will invariably have a problem or two getting accustomed to this kind of technology, so you’ll save yourself a few trips while resolving these issues faster.

Buy comfortable chairs

Back pain is the leading cause of stress and discomfort for most elderly people, especially adults over 60, so one of the most important items on your list should be to get a set of comfortable chairs.

Additionally, having several comfy chairs positioned near key areas of the home will ensure that your parents can take a breather whenever they feel fatigued.

Furthermore, most elderly people like having people over for card games, so make sure you stock up more than a handful of models.

Rocking chairs are remarkably popular with elderly folks, and they actually boast numerous health benefits.

If your parents are suffering from chronic pains or have bone-related issues, lift chairs and orthopedic beds will help them feel drastically more comfortable.

Invest in automated appliances

In most cases, the elderly face at least some kind of health challenge. Most chores can tire them out, even the most menial ones, so investing in automated appliances that govern lighting, cooling, and heating will significantly help them enjoy reading, napping, or watching TV.

We’re talking about a special type of home automation for the disabled and older people. These devices are available in a variety of forms, from security cameras and automatic locks, over smart stoves and fridges, to automated outdoor and indoor lights.

Install a local phone line

Even though you’ll be living next door to your neighboring parents, you should go the extra mile and make yourself available at all times. Most elderly people can’t use smartphones as skillfully as younger people, and they’ll certainly feel more comfortable knowing that they can reliably reach you at any point in time.

In order to save yourself a lot of unnecessary trouble, make sure that their phone line isn’t connected to yours; otherwise, they won’t be able to have their private phone calls if you’re on the line, and vice versa.

Go with bright colors

Whether you opt for wall panels or paint, try to stick with brighter colors. There’s been a buzz revolving around ‘room color psychology’, which essentially indicates that the colors of our walls affect our mental health and the atmosphere of the home. Whether you believe it or not, there’s some solid logic behind it.

Colors can be described as soothing, aggressive, gloomy, and similar epithets; for example, brighter shades of yellow, green, and blue are known to uplift the mood while brown, dark red and purple are downright depressing.

You don’t need to experiment too much with the colors, although painting the entire house in just one may induce a feeling of monotony. If you’re not sure what your parents’ favorite colors are, now’s the perfect time to ask.


Now that you’ve made the home functional and cozy, it’s time to spice up all the little details. Think of the things your parents would love to see in their new home. You can’t make a mistake with as many pictures of you and them, as well as with old toys and items that remind them of you.

Furthermore, you can take a picture of your parents to any local artist to produce a beautiful portrait. Not only are they guaranteed to like it, but they’ll also be pleasantly surprised.


Even though there’s a lot of work to be done (if you choose to), the opportunity to make your guest house a proper home for your parents is a rewarding gift to yourself as well.

Any time you may think you’ve lost while you were graduating, chasing jobs and your ambitions you can easily make up for by creating a home for your folks. Stay safe and have a good one, guys!

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