To prepare some activities project based on the season for your classroom is really suggested. You can teach them about the season characteristic and engage them to bring the spirit of season together to the classroom. Moreover, it could be your class theme and design your classroom by adding some ornaments that can refer to the season.

Changing your classroom theme will be fun if you do it together with your students. You can even make it as your classroom activities by doing some DIY projects. DIY fall craft can be in some forms and the possible activities that won’t compound your students consist of three basic kinds of activity that you can learn more with the pictures below.

Leaves Wreaths

Colorful leaves wreath craft for fall to look creative
A simple leaves wreath craft for fall to look adorable

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An awesome leaves wreath craft for fall with ribbon to look beautiful
Best colorful paper craft for leaves wreath to decorate your door.

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Best colorful leaves wreath craft form flannelette material for fall to look amazing

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Colorful paper craft for leaves wreath to beautify fall season

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Creative leaves wreath craft for fall that easy to make

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Hanging Leaves

Stunning hanging leaves craft for fall to decorate a window in classroom
An awesome colorful hanging leaves for fall for classroom decoration
A simple hanging leaves craft for fall to look adorable
Colorful round hanging leaves for fall to decorate a window in the classroom

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Beautiful hanging leaves craft for decorative lighting to complete fall season in the classroom

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Fabulous colorful hanging leaves for for good looking in fall season

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Stunning hanging leaves craft for fall to decorate a classroom

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Leaves Crowns

An awesome leaves crowns for girl to look pretty
Wonderful leaves crowns for cute girl

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Beautiful leaves crowns for perfect girl

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Best leaves crowns for girl to look amazing

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Charming leaves crowns for boy to look handsome

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Cute wonderful leaves crowns for beautiful girl

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Wonderful leaves crowns for girl to look cute

We do really sure that you are agree that wreath and hanging ornament are quite easy and appropriate to be made by your students. Especially with the materials that really fit with the season by using the colorful dry autumn leaves. The additional materials are also easy to find and cheap like glue, paper, flannelette, rope, and any unused stuff as the basic shape of the wreath.

From the pictures above you can also find leaves crown craft ideas. Crown may can’t be used as your classroom decoration theme but it is quite worthy to be made because your students will love it for sure. Kids like to wear crown because it can bring them to go on an imagination as if they are the real prince or princess. Don’t be hesitate! Start to prepare you project plans for your fall classroom activities.

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