Every garden and backyard should have and outdoor eyesores. The essential items such as utility boxes, air conditioning units, lawnmowers, garbage bins, and more are something we’d prefer not to look at them while spending time outside. So what do you do to hide it? We have prepared photo galleries of outdoor eyesore hiding idea projects to help you hide those essential items.
Started from simple DIY-type projects to things requiring a bit more skill and effort, you will find something here to help you hide the stuff for every style and budget. From a variety of wood to faux rocks and sturdy plastic, we believe that you can find inspiration among these images to make your outdoor space all you have ever dreamed it can be. Don’t just stop here, use one of these 41 ideas and then take things further with landscaping. And in a few seasons, you will hardly remember those outdoor blemishes.
DIY Air Conditioner
DIY Garden Hose Cover from bezgoroda
Fake Rock Septic Cover from onsiteinstaller
DIY Wooden Outdoor Trash from housetweaking
Hide Storage Air Conditioning from craftionary
Pallet Pool Shed Ideas
Hide Generator with Landscaping from gaffelagirafe
Recycling Bin Storage Ideas from bezgoroda
Wooden Solid Outdoor Storage
Wooden Zig Zag Hide Storage from activerain
Black Hide Storage
Vertical Hide Sorage Garden
Air Conditioner Cover Fence from decoratorist
Wooden Trellis Hide Storage Garden
Cabinet Garden Storage
Hidden Hose Storage from seattletimes
Wooden Hide Garden Storage
Hiden Shutter Storage from homeandgardeningideas
Cubicle Wooden Storage from freewoodworkingplan
Hiden Trash Cans Outside from christinamariablog
DIY Rustic Wooden Garden Storage from bezgoroda
Ladybug Propane Tank from ajoyfulcottage
Hide Outdoor Trash Cans from deavita
Tiny House Garden Storage from mysweetgreens
Cubicle Fence Hide Stoage
Portable Privacy Screen Outdoor
DIY Garden Storage
Hide Storage Garden Ideas from dachadesign
DIY Outdoor Trash Can Storage from diypassion
Wooden Pallet Hide Storage from catesgarden
Hide Air Conditioning from homesteady
Backyard Hiden Storage
DIY Garden Outdoor Storage
Wooden Cabinet Garden Storage from decorhomeideas
Hide Bins Garden Storage from lovahomy
Cubicle Trellis Hiden Storage from thetrendinghouse
Basic Cedar Screen for Hiding Bins from thetrendinghouse
Wooden Wall Hiden Storage from thetrendinghouse
Garden Sheds Storage from thetrendinghouse
Screens Outdoor Stoage from thetrendinghouse
AC Unit Storage from thetrendinghouse
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