It can’t be doubted that the existence of the greenery inside your home is really important and can give such a huge impact. It can bring out a warm, fresh, and peaceful atmosphere into your home which is really valuable. It is amazing how greenery can do things for your home that become the reason why to have it into your home is really worthy as you should make an effort to have it.

Indoor Trellis

You might only familiar with the outdoor trellis since it is commonly exist in the outdoor landscaping. But here, you can have it for your indoor greenery that will be really awesome and adorable that it can make such a beauty for your indoor greenery concept.

This indoor trellis will match for your lake house or the room that have wide space of glasses window
Vertical trellis with vain that is connected with your widow to make it looks as if the plant comes from the outside

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Wooden vertical and horizontal trellis design ideas for a simple yet warm in rustic style
Vertical trellis with unique space form that is added with lush plant for the fresh air
Small wooden trellis which is really simple that put on the high and big white pot to make the pot looks more unique

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Hanging Plants

I do really sure that hanging plants for your indoor greenery is really common for you because it is quite easy and familiar for people when going to make their indoor greenery project. You can make variation for the hanging materials on down below so that your hanging plants could be more unique and awesome.

This hanging plants are using macrame which are knitted to put the pots and then hang it on the wood
This single hanging planter is quite easy too. It is using the chain to hang the pot that will give you a modern and industrial design
This is such an easy and cheap hanging planter that is only using the regular rope

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The rope of this planter be linked one another to create such a design needed so that it could be used to put the pot and hang it

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This hanging planter will a little bit complicated and expensive because the materials used are a little bit too much compared with the other design

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Indoor Pallet Planter

This pallet planter can be the cheap and rustic planter material. It can even give you the additional warm feeling with its wooden material so that you can get extra warm feeling beside from the plants it self. You can simply let it just that way with its natural wood color or you can paint it with the paint color that you like.

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Find your unused pallet around your house and use it to make that simple and easy planter design

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In this pallet planter you might will need a little bit more effort since you have to paint it but it won’t be that hard and still really worthy to do

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White pallet planter can be matched for your shabby chic decoration. Have it to plant some colorful flowers to get the extra beauty of it

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Add the chain to hang the pallet planter just like what we have in this design. You can give an extra look with the chain for more rich impression
This pallet planter show you that a really regular pallet planter design can give such an awesome planter look

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Vertical Wall Garden

Wall garden is such a shady touch for your home. It may quite difficult to create a really wonderful wall garden but trust me that it is really worthy if you can have it for your indoor greenery. It will surely make you feel like you are among the rain forest. Get it for your home and get the peaceful feeling into your home.

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This rain forest vertical wall garden is really awesome. Install it into your kitchen and you will get a more qualified meal there.
This kind of vertical wall garden is really simple but can represent the garden side because the plants that are chosen are really right.
You can install the vertical wall garden into some pieces just like we have in this picture. Arrange to grow the plant based on its kinds.

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This three stages of lengthwise wooden planter can be also included into your vertical planter because of the arrangement of the stages.
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Look at how amazing this vertical garden looks like. Grow some different leaves colors of plants so that it could be as if it has pattern on it.

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Shelves Planter

If you want to have the more organized planter, you can have it with shelves and arrange it neatly there. You can have the shelves in wooden material to add the warm feeling and to strengthen the nature impression so that it could be in harmony with the plant to achieve the atmosphere that you want.

Simple wooden rack with different space of range for different plants height
Paint the wooden shelves into white color for your shabby chic decoration with succulent and other green plants.
This kind of shelve has a unique form with its natural wood color it is really worthy for your bohemian home decoration
This shelve is designed like a ladder. This wood material doesn’t have the dark brown wood color but still worthy to have.
This ladder shelve planter is quite the same with before design where the difference will be on the wood color

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From all of those indoor planter ideas that we have served for you, you can choose the one based on your wall space condition. To consider about the budget and your capability in making it is also important so that you won’t get trouble in your effort to have it.

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