The unused bottle can be something useful rather than just a waste. Do not believe? Take a look at the unique creations below that are made of used bottle caps that will make you love to throw the bottle cap away.

  1. The bottle cap can be transformed into a wall clock


Prepare a wall clock machine, an unused iron or handle, glue, and bottle cap. Then, you can make the wall clock arrangement in accordance with your taste or can imitate the picture.

  1. Sweet necklaces from bottle caps


A sweet necklace you can make from a used bottle cap. If you are confused about what kind of gift to make your friend’s birthday, you can give a handmade like this.

  1. Try to make a calendar from bottle caps


To make it easy, you just set up a magnet that can be taped to the back of the bottle and markers to decorate the bottle’s front to your taste.

  1. Creation of place mat from recycled bottle caps


How to make it easy anyway! Arrange the bottle cap that you hide a bit and connect it with a small wire. Simple,

  1. Funny hanger from bottle caps


You just need to prepare cover marks and markers, as well as straps and ribbons. Do not forget also glue to glue the bottle cap yes.

  1. Cool soda earrings


You can only capitalize the earrings that you can easily get in the accessories store. Use glue to stick, be a pair of funny earrings that are ready to hang spoiled in your ears.

  1. Candles that you make yourself can create an automatic romantic atmosphere


First you need to melt the crayon by putting it in a can and heat it over the fire. Then, melt the crayon you stay put in the bottle cap that you’ve washed clean, and love the small axis.

  1.  Bottle cap you can also use to beautify your mirror


Stick bottle caps around it. In addition to be funny, guaranteed you will  be more comfortable to mirror.

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  1. […] 8 einzigartige DIY von Flaschenverschlüssen / … […]

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