Garage spaces are often left with grease and grime, and probably why it is also left unnoticed at the end of the day’s activity. It will not be the first you think about when home improvement and renovations are concerned.
However, you’re the one left problematic when you begin to realize how chaotic and messy your garage space has become.
Read on to today’s post. Here are the five best flooring options for garages. Get surprised at how you can apply these options and make the floors a starting potent to reorganize a once chaotic space.
Best of Five Garage Floor Options
Ranking the following materials would be an overstatement. Each one has its advantage. The important thing to consider is what you prefer and what does your floor require? Check out the descriptions below.
1- Epoxy floors for high traffic floors
Does your garage area often get trafficked by both men and motors? Experts of garage flooring Orlando FL recommend you to use a floor application that will allow you to install as you go on your regular business. There is no downtime when you apply epoxy.
The epoxy flooring material cures fast. During the day, you can walk directly on the treated surface, and installation is convenient with epoxy.
Another notable feat of epoxy floors is their customizable designs. Also, there are various epoxy styles like the chip-flake or metallic that you readily adapt to the garage floor sand to make them aesthetically pleasing.
Here are other noteworthy features of this type of flooring:
- Easy to clean
- Seamless, smooth surface
- Super slip resistant
- Customizable designs
2- Rubber tile flooring is a user-friendly option
Up next are the rubber floor tiles. These are used explicitly for garage spades protecting the space floor from harsh chemicals and heat from car engines and tires, and these are more practical to use. Also, you would not need to hire expert installers to apply them on the floor, and you can access them easily and transport them to your site.
But while this type of coating material is easy to use and friendly to the budget, it does not lag behind the performance.
There is one thing that rubber flooring excels in that epoxy lacks: heat resistance or heat flexibility. Resiting heat and not cracking is probably why most garage owners opts to use this in their areas instead of that particular reason.
3- Polished concrete flooring
Polished concrete floors are practical to use. The floor’s glossy finish is achieved using a diamond grinder device, and this is because the disc used to smoothen out the surface has actual diamonds attached to it.
Diamond is a material known to be the toughest solid material that, when you hit it on the surface, would not break. So, the only hard object that can beat down the concrete surface is another rigid material that resists cracking.
4- Vynil garage tile for low-traffic flooring
Some garage areas would have bare concrete floors but rather keep them unfinished. You may, however, still need to seal the surface. Aside from using flooring applications, another way is to use floor coverings like rubber carpets.
But if you want something lightweight and easier to snap on and off the slabs, use vinyl tiles. Interlocking vinyl tiles are a popular example of this.
The vinyl surface is epoxy, dense, smooth, and highly slip resistant.
If you are not looking for brute action doing projects in the garage, a light traffic floor system will do you good.