Let’s start to think of walls as blank canvases that are waiting to be filled with color to come alive. Just forget for a second the usual approaches. Cool painting ideas can come from the most simple and unexpected places so keep your mind open. So if you want your walls look outstanding, you need more than just a single accent color or a roll of painter’s tape.
Try something like waves instead of the usual stripes that are more eye-catching and let you use more than two contrasting colors. Freehand them and make it look like an abstract painting and speaking of it, the key of it is to forget about patterns and symbolic designs and to free yourself of anything that is too specific. And you can absolutely induce a mood or create a design reminiscent of something that you like using colors and shapes. Take a look at these 16 awesome ways to paint your wall below and envy others with your own project.
Watercolor Wall for Living Room Bohemian

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Wall Interior Design with Flower that Will Transform your Life

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Wall Decorating with Foliage Accents

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Very Cool Boho Paint Color Reminds of Bedroom Color

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Velvet Eccentric Designed Room, with Layers of Colour, Pattern & Texture Thoughtfully put Together

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Pretty and Fancy Loud Wallpaper, Velvet, Splashy Art

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Power of Color and Genius of Sig Bergamin

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Paint Your Ceiling the Same Color as your Walls

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Modern Wall Painting Ideas, Watercolor and Ombre Painting Effects

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Masterpiece of Your Walls with this Collection of Watercolour Wallpaper Murals

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Lots of Color, Like the Huge Painting in Wall Living Room

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Green for My Craft Room with Black Accessories

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Eclectic Yellow and Pink Apartment

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Decorating with Red Accents in Wall Interior

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Blue de Gournay and Gracie Wallpapered Dining Rooms

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Bedroom for Children with Wall Bright Collor

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